the pact | stiles stilinski

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"scott... i think your sister is really cute." young stiles told him as he saw you walk past scott's room.

"ew! stiles, promise me you will never say that again!" scott scrunched his face at the thought of someone calling his sister cute, "you can't date her either! she's off limits!" young scott insisted.

"alright." stiles shrugged and forgot about it.

*current day*

stiles was over at scott's house as usual, he was pouring himself a drink in the kitchen when you entered and he turned around to see who it was.

"oh hey, y/n." he said casually before he turned around to look at you properly. he nearly spat out his drink when he saw what you were wearing, a skin tight black dress. you furrowed your eyebrows when you saw his reaction.

"do i look okay?" you asked, glancing down at your outfit.

"uh, yes, you look... nice." he stuttered.

"oh," you said sadly, "thanks."

scott walked in at the moment and as soon as he saw you he smiled, "well doesn't my sister look beautiful?" he looked at stiles for him to agree but he just shrugged.

"i guess." he said, taking a sip of his water.

scott shook his head, "have fun, y/n." he said as he wrapped an arm around you and pulled you closer to him so he could hug you.

"thanks, scott." you smiled.

when you left to go to a party stiles remained quiet and scott noticed that something was wrong.

"what's wrong stiles? i can literally smell your anxiety." he said as he sat on one of the stools in the kitchen.

"nothing." stiles murmured.

"nothing? come on sti, it must be something." scott asked.

stiles let out a deep breath, he remembered the pact he'd made with scott about never liking his sister but he couldn't help his mind wonder off whenever he saw you, especially in that skin tight dress...

"earth to stiles..." scott waved his hand in front of stiles' face, he snapped back to reality.

"oh, um, seriously it's nothing." stiles insisted.

"alright, if you say so." scott shrugged.


stiles couldn't stop thinking about you the whole time until he heard the familiar click of the door unlocking downstairs, he jumped off of scott's bed where he'd been studying, "i'll he right back, scott." he told his friend.

scott looked up and nodded to stiles as he continued to listen to his music in his earphones as he studied.

stiles rushed out of the room and downstairs, where you were taking off your black fur jacket.

"y/n." stiles panted as he reached the bottom of the stairs.

"stiles?" you whirled around to see him bounding towards you.

he stopped when he was close enough to you that you could feel the warmth of his breath, "y/n..." he said again, as if he was holding back from something.

his dark brown eyes searched your face until they reached your lips, and in a flash his soft lips were on yours. at first you pulled away and looked at him in shock, but then you pulled him close to you and kissed him intensely, wrapping your arms around his neck. you were backed up against a wall and stiles hand was pressed against it as he kissed you harder and faster as if his life depended on it.

he pulled away to breath for a moment before saying, "you don't know how long i've been wanting to do that..." he gasped.

you smiled but pulled him back for more, you ran your hands through his long brown hair, until someone cleared their throat nearby.

stiles jumped away from you and turned to face scott, "scott! i can explain..."

scott shook his head, "why didn't you tell me stiles?" he sounded hurt that his best friend didn't tell him about his feelings for his sister.

"the pact we made when we were younger..." stiles started to say.

scott looked confused, "what pact?"

"when i said your sister was cute and you said never to date her." he explained.

"oh, that?" scott laughed, "i'd completely forgotten, honestly i really don't care as long as you're happy." scott smiled and then walked towards his friend and wrapped him in a bear hug, then he gestured for you to join the hug too.

hope you all enjoyed! please vote, comment and don't forget to check out my other books :) xxx

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