wrong guy | stiles stilinski

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Laying on your bed you watched as Lydia sifted through your wardrobe looking for the perfect outfit for you to wear for your date. It wasn't with the guy you wanted it to be with but you'd given up waiting for the guy you'd been in love with since junior year.

"Excited for your date, y/n?" Lydia asked as she picked out a short dress.

She turned around and showed it to you, you let out a sigh, "not really... and no to the dress too."

Lydia shook her her head before searching through your wardrobe again, picking out a denim skirt and plain t-shirt, paired with a jacket, "perfect." You noted.

Lydia smiled, but her face fell when she saw you looking sad, "listen, y/n... I know you want it to be Stiles, but it's just a date- it's not like you're going to get married to the guy!" She exclaimed.

Her outburst made you laugh and Lydia smiled, "I'm gonna be waiting here the whole time, i want to hear all about it." She said as she ushered you into the bathroom to get changed.

After getting changed you stepped out and Lydia grinned, "you look stunning, y/n."

"Thanks, Lyds." You smiled slightly, looking in your mirror you admired the outfit your best friend had chosen.

"Now, go! enjoy yourself!" Lydia said as she gestured for you to leave the bedroom, she followed you downstairs and to the door, she peered outside and saw a black rover waiting on your drive.

"He's here, y/n," she said, looking over at you, "and don't think about Stiles, okay? he doesn't know what he's missing out on." She winked before ushering you out of the door.

Minutes after you had left with your date, a baby-blue jeep pulled up outside of your house and a boy stumbled out of his car as he made his way towards your door. He knocked a few times before turning back to look at his jeep as he waited for you to answer the door.

When he heard the door open he turned around, "heyyy, y/n..." he stopped when he saw who was standing in front of him, "you're not y/n." Stiles furrowed his eyebrows as Lydia stood in front of him.

"Stiles." Lydia raised her eyebrows, wondering why he was there.

"Where's y/n?" He asked, standing on his tiptoes and looking behind lydia.

"She's on a date," Lydia said, twirling her hair around her finger as a smile played on her lips, "why are you here?"

"I, uh..." Stiles stuttered, "I just wanted to see y/n... but she's not here so I'll go." He muttered before turning around.

He heard heels clicking on the gravel outside of your house, "Stiles, wait."

He quickly turned around and looked at Lydia, "what?"

"You know, she likes you too... she's only gone on this date because she's tired of waiting for you to ask her out." Lydia said matter-of-factly.

"S-she likes me?" He asked nervously.

Lydia nodded, "how have you not noticed?"

"I don't know..." Stiles mumbled, "uh, I have to go."

He turned to leave but then he realised he had no clue where you were, turning back to Lydia who rolled her eyes, "the bowling alley."

"Right." Stiles nodded quickly before running back to his jeep and grabbing his keys from his pockets and shoving them into the ignition.

He wasn't going to waste another second not telling you how he felt.

You rolled your eyes as the boy in front of you cheered as he scored yet another strike, he was way too obnoxious to be your type, you yearned for someone to make sarcastic remarks and not score a single strike at all, that's what made bowling fun.

"Cheer up, y/n." The boy said as he picked up another ball.

You plastered a fake smile on your face, glancing away from him you noticed a vending machine, "I'm just going to grab something to eat... be right back." You said.

The boy just nodded, he probably wouldn't even notice if you didn't go back.

You stood in front of the vending machine debating what to get when you heard footsteps coming up behind you, "y/n." You heard a familiar voice say.

You turned around and smiled, "Stiles... what are you doing here?"

"Listen, y/n... I think you're here with the wrong guy." He said suddenly.

The outburst came as a shock and you stared at him, "wh-what?"

"I'm sorry to be so blunt and I should've said something sooner... but when I turned up at your house and Lydia told me you were here on a date with some guy... I got jealous." He admitted.

"What were you doing at my house?" you asked, suddenly realising how close you were to him.

"I wanted to talk to you... and tell you that I'm in love with you, y/n." He said quietly, now that your faces were so close together.

"I think I'm in love with you too, Stiles." You whispered.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked, almost inaudibly.

You nodded and before you knew it his lips were pressing against yours as his hands wrapped around your waist.

He pulled away and a smile played on his lips, "can I take you home?" He asked before turned around to look at your date who was still bowling, "I don't think he'll even notice you've left," Stiles laughed as the guy scored another strike, "what is up with that guy?"

You smiled, a chuckle escaping your lips, "lets go, stiles." You said as you took hold of his hand and made your way outside.

When you got home, you stopped Stiles from kissing you again as you realised Lydia was probably still in your house, "I'll be right back." You said as you quickly ran upstairs, you noticed she wasn't in your room but instead she'd left a note on your bed.

have fun and be safe ;) tell me all about it tomorrow!
lyds xo

You shook your head at the message she'd left before making your way back to Stiles.

"Everything alright?" he asked, concernedly.

"More than alright." You smiled as you wrapped your arms around his neck as he slid his arms around your waist, he slowly leaned towards you and kissed you again.

He smiled against your lips, "I'm sorry it took me so long to admit that I like you."

"It was worth the wait." You smiled as he kissed you again.

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