don't leave | isaac lahey

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After the death of Allison Argent, things were tough for Isaac. He stopped talking to his friends, he barely slept and he took his anger out on the citizens of Beacon Hills on full moons because there was no one to control him. He didn't have an anchor.

That was until you turned up on his doorstep, Scott McCall's new beta. He'd noticed how you were ill and when you found out that he'd helped Erica Reyes you enlisted his help. In return you promised to help him stop his friend from leaving Beacon Hills as he'd found out Isaac had brought a one way ticket to France.

"You must be Isaac!" You said as a tall, blonde haired guy opened the door to you. He groaned.

"Don't tell me, Scott sent you right?" He rolled his eyes.

"No- I mean yes, but hear me out..." you trailed off.

"I don't want to hear it, he obviously knows I'm leaving, he's left me a million voice messages." He complained.

"But he doesn't want you to leave." You stated.

"Well why isn't he here then?" Isaac was starting to become angry as his eyes flashed yellow momentarily.

"Because you wouldn't even open the door for him." You said sarcastically.

"True," He said bluntly, then he looked you up and down, "I guess you can come in."

Isaac opened the door to his apartment wider and you ducked under his arm, there were bottles scattered all over the floor, empty pizza boxes that hadn't been touched in months and broken glass crunched under foot, "oh." You gasped.

"Sorry, I've kind of let this place go," He sighed, "I probably don't need to tell you what happened or why I'm like this, Scott probably told you."

"He did..." you looked around at the empty apartment that only had a torn couch in the middle of the room, "is this really how you've been living for all of these months?"

Isaac looked around himself, "pretty much, I only spend the day here, at night I usually go out..." he said quietly.

"You really can live like this, Isaac." You turned to face him.

His facial expression changed in an instant and he glared at you, "are you telling me how to live my life? I lost the best thing that had happened to me, and my friends keep trying to 'fix' me. I don't want to be fixed, I just need someone to understand." His voice broke as he tried to hold back the tears that were building up.

You stepped towards him but he held his arm out to stop you, "I don't even know who you are, and you come here thinking you know everything, how I should live, how I should feel...."

You cut him off, "Isaac, I came because my friend asked me to, and because I understand what you're going through. Scott knows I've been through what you've been through, before I got sick I had a boyfriend who I loved dearly, then suddenly out of nowhere he died. I still don't know how but it ruined me, I became like you- I didn't talk to my friends, I didn't sleep, I barely ate. Then I got sick, but my friends helped me. Scott helped me. And now they want to help you. I want to help you."

Isaac suddenly had no words, he just stared at you, admiring your confident exterior that had slowly been rebuilt after the help of Scott and his friends. He didn't think anyone understood until you came along and changed his whole perspective. He realised he didn't have to live the way he did. That was the moment he crumpled to the floor and broke down in tears.

"I don't want to live like this anymore... I can't live like this, I don't want to be alone." He sobbed as you knelt besides him and wrapped your arms around him.

"It's going to be okay, Isaac. I promise." You held him tighter as he cried all of the tears that had been building up for months.

*five months later*

You knocked on the familiar wooden door of apartment 361A, as you heard the soft tread of footsteps heading towards the door. The door opened to a tall, handsome figure that beamed as soon as he saw you, "y/n!"

"Isaac." You smiled, stepping forward to wrap your arms around him. You let go and stepped into the apartment, the walls were freshly painted, the floor was clean and the apartment seemed much cosier now that there was a lot more furniture. You spent the last months helping Isaac rebuild his home, his life and his relationships with his friends, along the way he'd fallen head over heels in love with you and you had become smitten.

"Movie night?" He suggested.

"That sounds great." You nodded, you took off your shoes and sat on the sofa. Isaac flopped down besides you and you snuggled into him as he wrapped his arm around you.

"What are we feeling tonight, romance, comedy?..." he trailed off as he stared at you and thought about how lucky he was to have someone as beautiful as you.

"Romance." You smirked as you kissed his soft lips, running your hands through his long hair.

"I like that idea." He groaned as you shifted to sit on top of him, kissing his neck and making your way to his lips.

"I love you, Isaac." You said as you pulled away to breath.

"I love you too, y/n." He said quietly as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer to him.

hope you all enjoyed this one! much love!

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