skipping class

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you were walking to class and suddenly someone pulled you into an empty classroom.

"scott!" you gasped, "what are you doing?" you said as you rub your arm.

"sorry about that," he said sheepishly, "wanna do something?"

"i have class, scott." you said, glancing anxiously at the clock in the classroom.

"oh come on, y/n, you need some fun in your life." he groaned.

you thought about it for a moment... it was only math class and you were a straight A student... missing one class couldn't hurt.

"fine." you sighed, but on the inside you were secretly happy to be missing maths for once.

scott's face lit up, "great!" he said enthusiastically.

you both waited until the corridors cleared of students and then scott grabbed your hand and you both ran outside, "where are we going?"

you huffed, exercise wasn't your strong point.

"my motorbike's just over there," he pointed.
you looked at him quizzically, "we're leaving the school grounds?"

"of course, that's the whole point, silly!" he laughed whilst leading you to his bike.

you didn't think you'd be leaving school, you just thought you'd be hanging around on the lacrosse field or something, when you got to the bike you were hesitant to get on but scott smiled and tapped the seat behind him gesturing for you to sit down, and without another thought you jumped on behind scott, wrapping your arms around his warm body.

"ready?" he asked, looking behind to see if you were okay.

"yes! let's go!" you shouted, the thrill of skipping class felt exhilarating.

and for that whole hour scott drove you both around beacon hills, with the wind rushing through your hair and taking in the scenery of your hometown.

"hey, y/n! wait up!" stiles yelled from the other end of the corridor, causing everyone to stare at him as he walked towards you, he was blushing by the time he got to you.

you laughed as he tried to hide it, "oh stiles."

you reached your locker when he talked again, "wanna skip class?"

you nearly burst out laughing, "really stiles?

"uh... yeh," he smirked at you, "i mean... i rarely get to hang out with you... alone..."

stiles had been your best friend since you moved to beacon hills and you were always hanging out with the pack but never spent any time together 'alone' as stiles put it.

"yeh, sure!" you hurriedly put all of your books into your locker and face stiles, "what do you wanna do?"

instead of answering he just took hold of your hand led you out to the lacrosse field, and sat down on one of the benches.

"wow, how exciting, stilinski." you said sarcastically, but adding a small laugh at the end so he didn't think you were being harsh.

"and you could think of somewhere better?" he replied with his usual sarcasm, "look it's quiet out here, and i wanted to talk to you."

"really? what about?" you asked.

he dropped the sarcasm and put on a serious face, "i'm just gonna say it, i think i'm in love with you. and i know we're best friends and all that but i want more-" he started mumbling about how he didn't want to ruin your friendship but you cut him off by kissing him, a quick kiss but stiles looked shocked afterwards.

"i love you too, stilinski." you smiled.

"what, really?!" he said, clearly shocked you shared the same feelings as him.

"yes, really. i... i've liked you since i moved here but i always thought you liked lydia.." you said quietly.

it was stiles' turn to laugh now, "lydia? she's a friend, that's all." he smiled a goofy smile and you smiled back at him.

after the bell for third period rang you were just about to head into class when liam grabbed your arm and pulled you back into the corridor.

"come with me," he said whilst taking hold of your hand and dragging you outside.

"liam, what are you doing?" you squealed as the thought of missing class dawned on you.

"come on, y/n. you need a bit of adventure in your life!" he enthused.

you sighed and gave in, "okay, okay!"

he dragged you across the school grounds to the lacrosse field. "where are we going?" you wondered out loud.

"just a little further" and soon enough a tartan blanket laid out on the lacrosse field came into view and liam slung his backpack off of his shoulder and placed it carefully on the blanket.

"wow, liam" you gasped, it was probably the first time anyone has ever done anything romantic for you.

you both sat down and liam unzipped his backpack, taking out various foods and snacks.
the two of you spend the rest of third period eating and chilling on the lacrosse field.

hope you guys liked these preferences :)
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