kid in love | liam dunbar

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"Hey y/n!" You heard a familiar voice shout at you from down the hallway.

You turned around to see Liam Dunbar, the boy you'd had a crush on since he started in your school, but to him you were just a friend. You smiled at him as he approached you, dodging the other kids trying to get to their classes.

"Hey, Liam." You greeted him as he finally made it to you.

"So I was wondering if you wanted to go to this party tonight... At Lydia's lake house?" He ran his hand through his hair making him look unbelievably hotter than usual.

"Yes sure, I'd love to!" You said without hesitation, he smiled a big goofy smile at you.

"Great! I'll pick you up at 7?" He said whilst he was walking away towards his class.

"Sure!" You said and he waved at you before going into his classroom.

The second bell for class rang and you ran to your next room, but you did wonder why he had asked you and not the girl you thought he liked, Hayden.


When you arrived home you threw your bag onto your bed and started rummaging in your wardrobe for something to wear. After half an hour of trying on various outfits you settled for a short black play suit which was both cute and formal.

You spent the rest of your time before the party doing your hair and makeup, you went for a natural makeup look and you kept your hair down in loose waves.


Liam got home and immediately started texting Mason, he'd asked the girl he had a crush on out on a date to a party and he had no idea what to wear. He started pacing up and down his bedroom until Mason finally decided to come over and help his friend out.

"Come on, man. It really isn't that hard, just pick a shirt and a pair of jeans to wear." Mason sighed as he sat on Liam's bed.

"I wanna look good, man. It's my first date." Liam said as he tried to find a clean shirt.

"With Hayden?" Mason furrowed his eyebrows.

"No.." Liam said, turning to look at his friend, "I don't like Hayden that way, I like y/n." A blush started to spread across his cheeks.

Mason laughed, "oh man."

"Oh god." A sudden realisation came to him.

"What?" Mason stopped laughing now.

"I said I'd pick her up, I don't have a car." Liam sat on the edge of his bed.

Mason shook his head, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but you can take my car."

Liam looked at his friend and smiled, "really? I promise I'll take good care of it!" He said before Mason got up and went over to Liam's closet.

He picked out a plain white t-shirt and black ripped skinny jeans, "here." He shoved them at Liam, "they should do." He laughed.

"Wait, how are you gonna get home if I have your car?" He said whilst walking into his bathroom to get changed.

"I'll just stay here, man." Mason said whilst turning on Liam's tv and his xbox.

"Alright, cool."


You waited patiently for the clock to strike 7 for Liam to pick you up.

At 6:55 you heard gravel crunching outside, you ran downstairs and looked out of your window to see a silver porsche roll up outside.

"Damn." You whispered at the beautiful car waiting outside for you.

The driver door opened and your heart skipped a beat as you saw Liam, he looked so casual but handsome at the same time.

He jogged up to your front door and rang the doorbell, as you went to open the door your stomach filled with butterflies.

Liam gasped as you opened the door, "wow, you look beautiful."

"Oh, thank you." You smiled at him before a pale pink blush started to appear on your cheeks.

"Um, shall we make our way to the party then?" He offered you his hand and he escorted you to the car and opened the passenger door for you.

"Thank you." You said as you got into the car and he closed the door behind you.

He got into the drivers side and started driving to Lydia's lake house.


Once you arrived Liam got out and came around to open the door for you and you both walked into the party hand in hand.

Lydia spotted Liam as you both walked in, "hi Liam!" She said as she walked over, she looked at you and smiled, "hi! you must be y/n, it's nice to meet you!"

"It's nice to meet you too!" You smiled.

"I hope you both have fun!" Lydia said as she walked over to more people that arrived.

Liam looked over at you, "wanna dance?" He nodded towards the crowd of people dancing in the middle of the room.

"Sure." You nodded and followed him.

The music playing was quite upbeat so you both just jumped around for a bit and made fun of each other's dance moves until the music started slowing down. Liam started moving towards you and he wrapped his arms around your waist.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and you both swayed to the music together. Before the end of the song Liam pulled you closer and before thinking about it he kissed you, you were shocked for a moment before you kissed him back.

It lasted for a moment before the music started becoming more upbeat and you pulled apart. He shouted something you couldn't quite make it out but he pointed towards the basement.

He took hold of your hand and led you down to the basement, you wondered why he brought there until you turned to see fairy lights covering the ceiling. Liam walked to the far end of the room where there was no wall but instead it looked out onto the lake.

"It's beautiful." You breathed out as you walked over to Liam.

He wrapped his arm around you, "yeah, but you're more beautiful." He said before kissing your forehead.

hope you enjoyed this imagine :)
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