would you rather [1]

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just a little something different whilst i write some new preferences and imagines! :-)
(ps. some of these are NOT realistic, and simply what you would maybe see your character doing in the show?)

1. would you rather... be a werewolf or banshee?

2. would you rather... date scott or stiles?

3. would you rather... date malia or kira?

4. would you rather... be best friends with sciles or allydia?

5. would rather... have peter hale as your dad or gerard as your grandpa?

6. would you rather... be siblings with scott or stiles?

7. would you rather... fight the dread doctors or the oni?

8. would you rather... date isaac or theo?

9. would you rather... wear stiles' plaid shirts or scott's lacrosse jersey?

10. would you rather... be best friends with liam or mason?

11. would you rather... go shopping with s1 lydia or learn how to shoot a bow and arrow with allison?

12. would you rather... be held captive by void stiles or theo?

13. would you rather... have ms. martin as your teacher or mr harris?

14. would you rather... ride on the back of scott's motorbike or go for a drive in stiles' jeep?

15. would you rather... have kira's sword skills or allison's skill with her bow and arrow?

16. would you rather... have pizza with kira or deer with malia?

17. would you rather... be stuck in hell with theo or with the skinwalkers with kira?

18. would you rather... live in derek's loft or on scott's sofa in his house?

19. would you rather... go bowling with scott or go to a party with stiles?

20. would you rather... go to france with isaac or london with jackson?

teen wolf | preferences and imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now