heading home | jackson whittemore

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"Ready, y/n?" Jackson asked as you prepared to step on the plane back to Jacksons hometown of Beacon Hills.

You looked at him and nodded, anywhere Jackson was was where your home was.

"Ready." You took his hand and you both got on the plane and found your seats for the 10 hours flight.

"Do your friends know you're coming?" You asked half way through the flight.

"Mm... Some of them, Some probably won't be happy to see me." He looked down sadly.

"How come?" You placed your hand on top of his.

"I wasn't a great person back then." He didn't explain further but you didn't want to pry.

The pilot announced that the plane was landing and you saw Jackson take a deep intake of breath.

"Are you sure you want to see your old friends?" You asked, he'd told you a lot about them and also the ones that were in some sort of accident.

"Yes, I'm ready to see them and I need to talk to one of them in person." He said avoiding eye contact with you, you felt like he was hiding something from you.

You met Jackson when he first moved to London a few years ago, when you met him he was lost on the underground and he had no idea which train to take and you helped him out. It turned out you were getting the same train to the same place and you hit it off from there. Of course, there were hiccups along the way, his anger problems had calmed down and his personality had definitely changed from when you first met him.

When the plane landed you were the first ones to get off and you collected your suitcases.

"Do you want me to call a taxi?" You asked.

"Nope." He smiled, you followed him to the parking lot and he started walking towards a blue jeep where a tall lanky boy was leaning against the hood.

"Jackson." He greeted his old friend solemnly.

"Stilinski, long time no see." Jackson smiled.

'Stilinski' as his friend was called looked taken aback.

"What? No sarcastic comments?" Stilinski said.

"Nope, I'm a changed man." Jackson smirked, "I see you're still driving this piece of junk." He said jokingly.

"There he is." Stilinski laughed.

You watched the exchange until Stilinski looked over to you.

"Who's your friend?" Stilinski asked.

"Oh, this is y/n. My girlfriend." Jackson smiled. A warm smile lit up his face when he looked at you.

You smiled and held out your hand to Jacksons friend, "hi." You smiled.

"Hey, you can call me Stiles by the way."

"Well, now we're all introduced, can we get going?" Jackson asked.

"Oh, yeh. Sure. I'll put your suitcases in the boot." Stiles offered.

"No, it's fine. I've got them." Jackson said, picking up your case too and walking around the jeep to the boot.

"So you and Jackson, huh?" Stiles laughed.

"What's so bad about him?" You asked, curious.

"Oh, um, well..." Stiles started before Jackson came back.

"Right lets go!" Jackson said getting into the back of the jeep.

"Everyone's excited to see you, Jackson." Stiles said as he started his jeep up, which took a while.

"Sure they are." He laughed, you sat in the front next to Stiles.

The engine spluttered to life, "you should really get that checked out."

"Duct tape works wonders, my friend." He said confidently.

"I meant it," Stiles said halfway to Beacon Hills, "everyone misses you. A lot of people have left us."

"I know." Jackson said quietly.

You looked back at him as he closed his eyes and rested his head on the back of the seat.

You waited until you could his chest rising in the familiar way you knew it did when he'd fallen asleep.

You turned to Stiles, "so what were you going to say before?" You whispered to Stiles.

"Huh? Oh, just that he wasn't the greatest person ever... but he seems to have changed. You must be good for him." He looked over at you and smiled.

"But why wasn't he?" You asked.

Stiles sighed, "because... he was pretty much a jerk to everyone, that's all there is to it. Even to his ex."

"Oh." You said, you expected there to be more to the story.

"If you're wondering why he was like that, I don't know." Stiles said, looking at Jackson through his rearview mirror.

"Well, thank you... for telling me." You said.

"No problem, I can see just by the way that he looks at you that he cares about you." Stiles noted.

"I care about him too." You smiled to yourself.

Jackson had woken up a while into your conversation, but kept his eyes closed. He smiled to himself when you said that you cared about him.

The rest of the car ride was in silence.

"We're here!" Stiles announced outside of Jacksons old home.

Jackson looked at his home sadly.

"Wait do you still own it?" You asked.

"Yep. I mean, I rented it out but we have the house for as long as we want now." He said unbuckling his seat belt.

"Great, well, I'll see you guys around." Stiles said as soon as you were both out of the jeep and got your suitcases out.

"Yeh, see you." You smiled as he got back into his jeep and drove off.

"Home sweet home." Jackson said quietly.

Part two is on its way soon! Jackson reunites with his old friends (or frenemies) and they help him with a little problem he's having.

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