tortured in front of him

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scott bared his fangs when he finally found you in the dread doctors lair, there was a metal band wrapped around your head with spikes that would soon be digging into your skull. one of the doctors stood between you and scott, he would have to fight them alone to save you, and that's exactly what he was going to do.

"it's too late, scott mccall." one of them spoke as their hand hovered over the button that controlled the machine wrapped around your head.

"no!" he growled, his red eyes glowing in the dimly lit lair.

the dread doctor hit the button and the piercing shrill of your scream made scott wince, he immediately ran towards you, showcasing new found strength as he shoved the dread doctors away and found you.

he tried to remove the band from around your head as the spikes were still being crushed against your skull.

you tried not to yell out in pain but it was too much, scott felt his heart hurt seeing you in so much pain.

"hang in there, y/n." he said, trying to keep his voice calm for you as you writhed in pain.

the dread doctors were surrounding him again and he let out an earth shattering roar as he fought them, once they were gone he ran back to you.

by now blood was pouring down your face, "scott... please, make it stop." you begged.

he looked around frantically, pressing all of the buttons on a control pad nearby, nothing seemed to be helping.

"i am not losing you, y/n!" he promised, now his anger was rising at the thought of losing you.

he placed his hands on the band around your head and pulled, making slight progress.

you were starting to feel faint when he finally wrenched the band off of your head, you fell forward into scott's arms as he wrapped his arms around you.

"you're gonna be okay... i promise." he murmured whilst picking you up and carrying you in his arms, taking you home to take care of you.

as soon as stiles found out that you'd been kidnapped he was the first to race to his jeep despite the packs protests to wait and figure out a plan. there was no stopping him as he knew where you were, theo had taken you to prove a point to the pack that he knew exactly what to do to hurt them.

you were sat in his kitchen with your hands tied behind your back, "is this really necessary?" you asked him as he paced the kitchen.

he laughed, "yes, it is," he said before grabbing a towel and wrapping it around your head, covering your mouth, "sorry but i really don't want to listen to any pleas so just sit there and be quiet."

you frowned as he walked over to a drawer and pulled it open, his hands skimmed over an array of knives before he pulled one out.

"ah." he muttered to himself.

your eyes widened in fear as he walked over to you with it, admiring it.

"oh, sweet, y/n," he purred, "what a shame it had to come to this... i actually quite liked you."

you tried to protest but your voice was muddled by the towel in your mouth, theo just chuckled as he watched you struggle.

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