you call him 'daddy' and people hear

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this was requested, please forgive me for how bad/cheesy it is, i don't usually write things like this lmao (don't read if it makes you uncomfortable please :) some people like it, some don't, i don't want y'all to be uncomfortable x

Whilst you were sitting at the lunch table with Scott, alone, you couldn't stop thinking about how much you wanted to kiss your boyfriend- he looked especially good today since it was a lacrosse game that night and he'd cut his hair especially for it since his usually floppy hair was getting in the way.

"You know, you look pretty good today, daddy." You whispered as you leaned against him lightly.

Scott almost spat out the water he was drinking when you called him that.

"What's gotten into you?" He asked, his voice slightly high pitched.

"Nothing, I just think you look good today." You smirked.

"Oh," he raised his eyebrows, "thanks, y/n."

"So daddy, huh? I could get used to that." He chuckled as he caresses your cheek lightly, before brushing his lips against yours slightly.

"There's plenty where that came from, daddy." You smiled as you kissed him.

Someone cleared their throat behind you, "um."

You leapt away from Scott to see Isaac glancing between the two of you, he sat down opposite the both of you with his lunch tray, "seems like someone's having a little too much fun."

"Oh shut up, Isaac." Scott growled.

"Does daddy have a problem?" Isaac smirked.

Scott kicked him under the table, leaving Isaac grinning to himself as he took a bite out of his sandwich carelessly.

You were extremely bored in class as you sat next to Stiles, you noticed he looked extra good today- his hair was tussled as he didn't have time to do anything with it, he'd slept in again. He wasn't wearing his usual flannels, instead he wore a figure hugging, black t-shirt that was definitely distracting you from the equations on the board.

"Oh... oh!" Stiles moaned as you placed your hand on his thigh, slowly moving upwards, "what are you doing, y/n?" He hissed.

"You know you like it, daddy." You teased, whispering in his ear.

You forgot that there was at least two other werewolves in the classroom, Scott and Isaac immediately looked around and spotted you and Stiles. They glanced at each other and laughed slightly before turning around.

"Y/n... I really like it, but now is not the time." He grimaced as he felt his already tight jeans tighten even more.

You sighed and leaned back on your chair, "fine." You growled.

"You're gonna have to help me with this after." He complained.

You couldn't stop yourself from grinning as you noticed his... unfortunate situation, "we'll see."

You had time before your next class, so you decided to have a little fun as Isaac was getting his books from his locker.

"Isaac, come with me." You instructed flirtily.

"Where?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows before he saw the glint in your eyes.

"Come on... daddy." You teased him as you leaned against his locker, what you didn't realise was that there were still people around you and they overheard.

"Oh I think you've been a bad girl, y/n." He growls in your ear quietly as you blushed due to the stares from everyone in the hallway.

Isaac took hold of your hand and lead you to the nearest empty classroom, "haven't I already told you about calling me that in school?"

"Sorry." You shrugged, not sorry at all.

He smirked as he closed the distance between the both of you, "you know what happens to bad girls, baby girl."

"I don't... you'll have to show me, Lahey." You teased.

A low growl erupted from his throat before he kissed you, things were about to get heated before you were both interrupted.

"What's going on in here?" The familiar voice of Stiles asked, Isaac immediately turned around and glared at him.

"Do you mind?" He asked.

Stiles shrugged, "not really, go ahead."

"Get out, Stilinski." He growled.

"I can't, I have a class in here, sorry love birds." He chuckled as he walked to his desk and placed his bag down, looking at you both as you stood flustered.

Isaac clenched his fists, Stiles got on his nerves a lot but he tried not to show it in front of you.

"Come on, Isaac, lets go." You said, taking hold of his hand and leading him back to the hallway.

"What happened to calling me 'daddy'?" He grinned.

"I'll save that for later." You winked before leaving his side to go to class.

You rarely got to spend time with Theo, so when you were finally together you both made every second of it count.

There was one thing that he loved more than anything, and you knew that was his weakness.

"Theo, can't you leave the pack for one night and spend it with me?" You sighed, he'd promised to spend the night with you but Scott had asked him to help with a pack meeting.

"Y/n, they've only just started trusting me again I don't want to give them a reason not to." He said, looking at you wistfully.

"Please... for me?... Daddy?" You added the last part quietly as a few others were standing nearby, obviously not quiet enough.

A few snickers erupted from a group of boys nearby, "did you hear that boys?" One of them yodelled.

Theo's neck nearly snapped as he turned around quickly to glare at them, "sorry your non-existent girlfriends aren't around to boost your egos, boys." He said snidely before snaking his arm around your waist and guiding you away from them.

You looked up at him as he smirked, "alright, you got me- it better be worth it."

"Oh it will be." You grin, before stepping onto your tiptoes and pressing a kiss against his cheek.

"Is that all I get?" He chuckles.

You smile before moving to his lips and pressing a kiss against them, he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer to him.

"That's better." He smirks.

this was requested! hope y'all enjoyed it! X

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