he breaks up with you

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"y/n? i need to talk to you..." scott's voice sounded raw and his eyes were watery.

"yes, scott?" you asked hesitantly, guessing this wasn't going to end well.

"i.. i can't do this anymore.. and i know we were doing so well, but i'm just not ready yet, allison was my first love and i'm still not over her yet." he said sadly.

scott was looking intently into your eyes then, and scanning them over your face to check for any emotion, but you remained emotionless. you couldn't believe he was breaking up with you, you had waited months after allison's death to be with scott and now he was saying he couldn't be with you.

"i understand, scott. i really do-" you couldn't say anything else before scott had taken your face in his hands and kissed you before he suddenly got up, "i'm sorry y/n.." and with that he left.

"hey y/n," stiles sidled up next to you in the school hallway, "can i speak to you, in private?"
"uh, yeh, sure" you stuttered as he pulled you into an empty classroom.

"what's wrong, sti?" you asked, worried now because stiles didn't have his usual goofy smile plastered across his face.

"i can't do this anymore y/n, i thought i could, i thought by dating you i'd stop loving her, but i was wrong-" he stuttered.

"who? lydia?" you asked, confused.

red spread across his cheeks, looking down at his feet, "i, uh, yeh, lydia." he stammered.

"i thought i was over her because i know she'd never reciprocate my feelings for her, but even if she never does i'll always have feelings for her and i'll never stop trying to win her affections... god i sound like a jerk right now but it's the truth. but i need to tell you that i have never lied to you about my feelings for you. i really do like you y/n, but lydia.." he looked down at the floor shamefully.

"i understand, stiles. she's your first love. i get it." although you felt your heart sink inside, you couldn't be with someone who didn't love you like you loved them.

"thanks y/n," he sounded relieved and let out a huge breathe he must've been holding in, "thanks for being so understanding."

it was seven in the morning when you woke up, you noticed an envelope on the bedside table next to you. it was blank but you guessed it was for you.

inside was a neatly written letter all in cursive.
"dearest y/n,
i'm writing you this letter because i didn't have the courage to tell you this in person. but i cannot be with you anymore.
i spend every waking moment thinking about you and so this decision was hard to make. i have made this decision because i couldn't bear to think of a world without you in it and for that not to happen i can't be with you. there's a part of my life that you are unaware of, a dangerous lifestyle that i don't want you to become involved in and so i have to break all ties with you. i'm incredibly sorry for all the pain this will cause you, as it has caused me a tremendous amount just writing it.
yours always,

you awoke one night to the sound of your phone ringing, when you checked the caller i.d it was liam. you picked up on the first ring.

"hello?" you asked tiredly.

"hey y/n" liam's voice sounded different, almost as if he'd been crying.

"what's wrong liam?" you asked worriedly.

"just hear me out okay?"

"um, okay?" you were getting seriously worried now.

"we need to break up-" he said quietly.

"wait what?!" your voice rose an octave, everything seemed to be going fine.

"tonight... my anger got the best of me, y/n... i- i killed someone." his voice was low now, almost a whisper on the other end of the line.

"liam? liam, listen to me, it's going to be okay-"

"no it's not, y/n. i killed a man. an innocent man. i'm a monster, and i don't want you to be with a monster. it had me thinking, what if i ever hurt you? i wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything happened, if i was the cause. so i'm sorry y/n, but i don't you to be put in danger by me anymore." and then the line went dead.

you tried texting him but you received an automatic message telling you the number was no longer available.

you were getting ready for your usual friday night date with theo when you heard the doorbell ring, which was odd because he was half and hour early. you walked downstairs and opened the door to see theo standing there looking unusually sad.

"theo? what's wrong?" he looked up at you then, hesitant.

"c- can i come in?" what was wrong with him? he wasn't usually this shy, he was normally cocky and confident.

"sure." you opened the door wider and gestured for him to come in. when he entered he walked over to your couch and patted the space next to him. you reluctantly went over and sat next to him. he placed his hand over yours.

"is.. is it that bad, theo?" you asked nervously.

he wouldn't look you in the eye but he started to speak, "y/n... i am so in love with you but i just can't be with you anymore. it's not that i don't want this, it's just that your friends, scott and the pack, really don't like me and they think i'm bad for you."

"theo-" he looked up at you then, locking eyes with you.

"no. i don't want you to keep having to choose between hanging out with me or your friends. i'm bad for you, y/n. i was just selfish and didn't see that when we first started dating."

"but theo.. that doesn't matter, i don't care what my friends think, i want to be with you." you pleaded with him.

your eyes were getting watery now, and theo saw that before looking away again.

"i'm sorry y/n, i really am. i just want you to be with someone good. and if that means i can't be with you because of who i am and what your friends think of me... then i'm okay with that because i just want you to be happy." he said, his eyes became slightly watery now.

"theo..." you whispered.

he stopped you then by bringing a finger to your lips. he then took hold of your face and kissed your forehead before reluctantly getting up and leaving.

hope you guys liked this one.
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