dates gone wrong

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scott decided to take you to a small deserted beach for your date, and it was a disaster from the start. firstly his motorcycle broke down on the way there so he had to call stiles to come and pick you both up and stiles had to drive you both to the beach in his jeep.

then scott retrieved the picnic basket from the back of stiles jeep and you both walked down to the beach hand in hand, you'd been dating for a while but you were still nervous around him.

it was early in the evening and the sun was setting making the sky a vibrant orange which was enchanting. "it's so beautiful here, scott." you smiled at him.

"i know.. but not as beautiful as you." he teased, you started blushing. you both sat down on the sand whilst scott set down the picnic blanket.

he got out some of the food from the basket and you were enjoying it until you noticed that the water seemed to be getting closer and closer.

"um, scott.." you said, now standing up.

scott didn't even notice until the water splashed his toes, "oh.. oh man!"

scott jumped up and joined you backing up to the head of the beach, leaving the basket to be taken by the water that was advancing extremely quickly.

"i'm sorry, this is going terrible." scott apologised but you couldn't help but laugh.

"i know right, but honestly as long as i'm with you it doesn't matter." you smiled, turning to face him, before he could say anything you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. he kissed you back and pulled you closer.

until you felt water droplets on your skin, you pulled apart and looked up to see the clouds turning grey. the sky turned dark and then suddenly the rain was pouring down on both of you.

"could it get any worse?!" scott yelled above the rain. then the thunder and lightning started, "i'm so sorry this is going so bad." scott apologised, reaching for your hand as you both ran for shelter.

you checked your phone and you didn't have signal either, now you were both stranded unless stiles magically came to save you both.

"you know, it's not so bad." you shouted over the thunder, scott looked at you and crinkled his eyebrows, "okay, it is... but we have each other and that's all that matters."

"i guess." he said smiling, wrapping his arms around you to keep you warm and kissing your forehead.

"stiles, that doesn't sound good." you said worriedly as the engine of his jeep started spluttering as he was driving you to a 'secret' location for a date in the middle of a desert.

"it's fine y/n, it always sounds like that." he laughed nervously.

"mmm." you muttered. he started putting his foot down more and speeding up, "do you really think that's a good idea?" you questioned him worried about the jeep.

"it'll be fine." he said scoffing.

that was until smoke started fogging up the front window and you could see it pouring out from under the hood of the jeep, "um, stiles?"

"yep. i see it." he said sighing and pulling over on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere.

"i told you." you said, rolling your eyes.

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