reunion | all

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It had been five years since you'd left Beacon Hills to go to college on the other side of the state. You were extremely glad that you did, considering the terrible things that happened, and still happened in that town despite its new protectors.

The alert on your phone that you'd set up months ago lit up to tell you that the reunion party for your year in school started in less than an hour.

So that's how you ended up back in Beacon Hills.

You were sitting in your car scrolling through your phone to pass the time in the car park of the high school.

Being back in this parking lot brought back numerous memories, running from the supernatural, eating lunch outside with your friends, your first kiss- thinking about that made you feel butterflies in your stomach as you remembered they'd probably be there that night.

They'd probably forgotten all about you, but you would never forget your best friends - Scott, Lydia, Malia and Stiles.

All of you had lost touch over the years but there wasn't a day that went by that you didn't want to get in touch again, yet you felt that you'd be annoying them.

Time ticked away the more time you spent thinking that you didn't see Lydia standing by the door of your car, so you jumped when she tapped against the window.

You may or may not have squealed as you never knew what could happen in this town, but upon seeing Lydia you relaxed and wound the window down, "oh, it's just you." You sighed in relief.

"Just me? That's a nice way to greet me." She laughed.

Looking at her, she was as beautiful as the last time you saw her. Her strawberry blonde hair was curled and fell just past her shoulders.

"Sorry, Lyds, I just thought you were someone, or something else." You admitted, getting out of the car and locking it.

"Ah," she nodded, "I get a little jumpy sometimes too."

"You do?" You asked.

"Of course, I always expect something to jump out in front of me! But it's getting better over the years." She smiled, flaunting her plump, pink lips.

"So, where's everyone else?" You asked, looking around.

"They're waiting for us over there." She pointed towards a small group of five people.


As you both got closer the faces came into view, Scott looked happy and was laughing at something Stiles had said, Malia stood next to Scott as she rested her head on his shoulder- they had gotten together a few months after graduation, it just seemed right for them.

The two others were talking too, you noticed a short girl with jet black hair wearing a short red dress. It only took a few seconds to recognise her as you ran towards her, "Kira!"

Everyone turned towards you and Kira couldn't stop smiling, "y/n!"

She opened her arms and you ran into them, wrapping her in a tight hug. You'd missed your best friend ever since she'd left to go to the desert with the skinwalkers, you never thought you'd see her again if you were being honest.

When you pulled away, you looked up at someone you were extremely familiar with.

"Y/n, it's so nice to you again." The tall man smiled, he still had that award winning grin and blonde curls that you yearned to run your hands through.

"Isaac, it's nice to see you too." You smiled softly, despite your heart nearly beating out of your chest.

You turned your attention to the others as they observed yours and Isaac's interactions, "I'm so glad we're all finally together again!"

"Us too." Scott and Stiles said at the same time, then burst out laughing.

You linked arms with Lydia and Kira and you all walked through to the hall where everyone was gathered.

Music played in the background as the previous students at Beacon Hills gathered in small groups, talking amongst themselves.

Scott, Malia, Stiles and Lydia talked to you for a while like they used to, it was like they'd never left. You noticed both of the girls had something sparkly on their ring fingers, "is there something you guys haven't told me yet?"

Stiles couldn't stop smiling, "well, you know- my ten year plan worked... and I asked this beauty to marry me, and she said yes!"

Scott grinned at his two best friends who he was extremely happy for, then turned to you, "Malia and I kinda became a thing," he laughed nervously, "and honestly I fell in love with her, and asked her to marry me."

"And I said yes, obviously." Malia chimed in.

"That's great guys! I'm so happy for you, honestly." You smiled, but you couldn't help but feel lonely since your best friends were coupled up now.

Scott spotted Isaac by himself at the drinks table and nodded towards him, "you know, you should totally give Isaac a chance. I know you both had or maybe still have feelings for each other, so go over there!"

Scott was right, you did still have feelings for him and seeing him again was a reminder of that.

"Alright, I will." You nodded, leaving your friends to go and talk to Isaac.

But at the last moment when you were only a few feet away from him you turned around, becoming nervous.

Suddenly you felt a light tap on your shoulder and you turned around to see Isaac grinning, "y/n."

"Isaac." You replied, feeling the butterflies return to your stomach.

He took a deep breath as if he was building up the courage to speak, "would you like to dance with me?"

You raised your eyebrows in shock, "you want to dance with me?"

He nodded, "yes, obviously." He chuckled.

"Yes." You nodded.

He smiled, extending his hand for you to take hold of as he led you to the dance floor.

For a while neither of you spoke until you decided to go for it, "you know I really missed you, Isaac."

"I missed you too, y/n," he said, then looked as if he was debating what to say next, "actually, I've been a fool not to contact you for this long, and now you're finally here in front of me... it makes me realise I've missed out big time." He admitted sheepishly.

"You have?" You asked, your voice sounded extremely high.

"I have," he smiled, "and if I don't tell you how I feel right now it'll be the worst mistake of my life. So, y/n, I still have feelings for you after all these years and I was wondering if there was a chance you felt the same way?"

You didn't even have to pause to answer his question, "yes! I feel the exact same way about you."

He breathed a sigh of relief, "oh, that's good, I thought for a moment I was going to make a fool of my self."

"Not at all, Isaac." You said, smiling up at him as he twirled you around the dance floor, you stopped for a moment and stepped onto your tiptoes and kissed him.

It felt like the first time all over again, it was short and sweet as he held you against him.

For the rest of the night you never left each other's side, dancing and talking to your friends who were happy to see the couple they'd always rooted for finally together.

Coming back to Beacon Hills wasn't that bad after all.

Hope you all enjoyed this one!
I made the love interest Isaac for a change and made all my ships together aka Stydia and Stalia ;)

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