colour | malia tate

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"before you came into my life
everything was black and white,
now all i see is colour like a
rainbow in the sky."

The world was black and white for everyone until they met their soulmates. Sometimes it only took a few years, young children could suddenly see colour when they saw another child that was destined to be their soulmate— sometimes it took longer.

For Malia Tate it was something she hated, she hated waiting around. All of her friends could see colour, she was the only one who couldn't and she didn't like not being able to see what the others could.

One day in summer school, she was staring out of the window as one of the teachers had left the room.

She noticed a girl walking through the parking lot, Malia thought she was extremely pretty. She was mesmerised by the colour of her hair and her bright jacket... it took her a moment to realise what was happening.

She could finally see colour.

Malia felt a wave of emotions wash over her, she was happy she could finally see the world she'd been used to seeing in gray scale in a range of colours but she was confused that her soulmate was a girl.

There were moments where she thought she'd liked one of her best friends, but she already had a soulmate. She always thought her soulmate would be a hot guy, but instead her soulmate was the most beautiful girl she'd ever seen.

She jumped up and grabbed her bag, leaving the classroom and school behind to follow you.
She didn't really care much for summer school, she'd just have to make up for it the next week.

Now you were her only thought.

Malia ran through the parking lot, following you out of the school.

"Hey! Wait up!" She yelled.

You turned around, confused. As soon as you laid eyes on her something strange happened, the world in front of you changed from dull colours to new colours you'd never seen before.

An extremely pretty girl stood in front of you, her short brown hair fell slightly over her shoulders.

You stared at each other for a moment, processing everything.

"We're... soulmates?" You both said at the same time, then burst out laughing.

"Okay, I really can't believe you're my soulmate? You're so pretty." You said to the girl stood in front of you.

"Me?! You're literally the most radiant human I've ever seen in my life." Malia said.

You smiled, "thank you. I'm y/n, by the way."

"Malia." She said, smiling widely.

"So, Malia... I was just about to go and grab some pizza for lunch... do you want to join?" You asked, immediately knowing the answer, as soon as you mentioned pizza her eyes lit up.

"Yes! I love deer— I mean pepperoni pizza." She said, correcting herself.

You shook your head and laughed, "I don't think they have deer pizza but I'm sure it's nice."

"It would be if my friends let me try it..." she muttered as she began to walk with you away from the school.

"I really didn't expect to meet my soulmate today," You admitted as you took a seat in one of the booths of the pizza restaurant, "I was so used to seeing everything in black and greys that I didn't think I'd ever see colour."

"Me neither, my friends all met their soulmates years ago and I've had to live with them talking about colours." Malia sighed.

"I know the feeling." You said.

You ended up staying in the restaurant longer than expected as you talked to Malia for hours, she was easy to talk to and had so many stories to tell. She even told you about the supernatural which you took surprisingly well, at first you thought she was joking until she showed you her eyes.

You also explained why she'd never seen you before, you were new to Beacon Hills and were registering at the school to start after summer— and now you had more of a reason to be excited to start school there.

So many things happened in one day and you couldn't wait to spend the rest of your life getting to know Malia, and you even promised to make her a deer pizza which made her smile grow even wider.

"I'd love you so much if you did that!" She blurted out.

In the evening you realised you should head home so Malia offered to walk home with you.

"I can't wait to meet your friends, Mal. They seem so interesting!" You exclaimed as you stopped at your door.

"They're not as interesting as me... but okay." She smirked.

You laughed, "well, this is me— my mom's probably wondering where I am."

"I'm so glad you're my soulmate, y/n." Malia admitted.

"I'm glad you're mine," You smiled, you didn't hesitate to step forward and kiss her cheek before heading inside, "Good night, Malia."

"Good night, y/n." She said, feeling her cheeks burn up slightly after you kissed her cheek.

Malia was elated that she could finally see colour, and even more happier that her soulmate was you.

adding some new imagines to this book that i hope you guys like :)

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