best friends brother | stiles stilinski

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as a thank you for 20k reads, i've tried to make this an extra long imagine, thank you guys for always voting and commenting it means a lot to me :)

You woke up extra early today, your best friend Rhea had invited you to go camping with her family, and Rhea's brother just happened to be Stiles Stilinski, aka the guy you'd had a crush on since you first moved to beacon hills.

You went into your bathroom and showered quickly, they were planning on getting to the campsite early so they could 'start the fun earlier.'

You blow dried your hair so it was wavy, you knew Stiles liked your hair like that - not that you wanted to impress him or anything.

Putting on minimal make-up you double checked yourself in the mirror and then put on the clothes you chose yesterday - you didn't want to be spending hours choosing an outfit.

"Y/n are you ready?" Your mom shouted from downstairs, waiting to drive you to Rhea's house. 


Rhea had been your best friend since you'd moved to Beacon Hills a few years ago, you were not aware that the Stiles Stilinski was her brother, you'd seen him in the hallways at school and he'd always smile at you, it wasn't until you went to her house one night after school and she said her brother was going to drive you both home.

Of course he didn't say much in the car ride to the Stilinski's house but he did keep glancing at you through his rearview mirror.

He dropped both of you off at home and then he drove off, "wait, where's he going?" you asked Rhea.

"Probably to Scott's house or something." She said blankly.

You shrugged but you secretly felt a little deflated inside that he wouldn't be around whilst you were there.


You grabbed your bag and shoved your phone in the pocket of your shorts, you ran downstairs and outside to where your mom was waiting.

"Finally." Your mom said as she started the car and made her way to the Stilinski's house.

She pulled up outside just as Rhea and her father were putting their bags into the back of Stiles' jeep.

"Hey y/n." Her father greeted you as you got out of the car. You went to the boot of your moms car and went to grab your bag until another pair of hands grabbed it before you.

"Allow me." A familiar voice said, you turned around and saw Stiles smirking at you.

"I'm perfectly capable of carrying my own bag, Stilinski." But secretly you didn't mind at all.

Over the years of being friends with Rhea and spending a lot of time at her house, you also got to know Stiles a lot more too, and your crush eventually faded as you became part of their family and more comfortable with him too.

He took it over to his jeep and placed it carefully in the boot. You found yourself watching his little movements, then you shook your head - he was your best friends brother, you couldn't think like that.

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