one of those nights | stiles stilinski

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"hey y/n" stiles murmured as he tossed and turned in bed beside you.

"what, stiles?" you mumbled sleepily.

"i can't sleep," he turned to look at you, smiling wearily.

"really? i wouldn't have guessed," you turned around to face him.

"let's go on an adventure" stiles said after a moments silence.

"what? like, right now?" you asked.

"yes, like right now!" he sat up in the bed, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

you checked the time on the clock besides the bed, "it's 11:30pm, stiles!" you groaned whilst rubbing your eyes.

but by the look on stiles' face, no wasn't going to be an option.

he got out of bed and swapped his pyjama pants for a pair of skinny jeans and pulled on a hoodie over his t-shirt.

"c'mon y/n!" he pleaded, "it'll be fun! you always say you want a late night adventure, and here's your opportunity." he looked at you with his sad puppy eyes. you definitely couldn't say no to them.

"fine..." you got out of bed and pulled on some jeans and one of stiles' old hoodies he leant to you ages ago that he never asked for back.

you got into stiles jeep whilst he fixed the engine, again. a few minutes later stiles jumped in and started the engine. "ready for an adventure?"

"absolutely" you yawned.

stiles just laughed and started to drive.

"where are we going?" you questioned him.

"i don't know, y/n. wherever the road takes us." he smiled softly.

stiles drove straight through beacon hills and out of the town, onto a road surrounded by a forest. it was 12:00pm before stiles stopped near a mountainous area just outside beacon hills. he got out and came around to the passengers side and opened the door for you.

"thanks, stiles" you grinned at him, still unsure what this adventure entailed but you knew as long as it was with him, it didn't matter.

"come on," he looked at you excitedly and grabbed your hand, dragging you towards a path that led up to the top of the mountain. you talked and laughed all the way to the top, hands entwined.

he stopped near the top, placing his hands over your eyes, "do you trust me?"

"of course i trust you, stiles." you said, slightly nervous.

"keep your eyes closed, okay?" he said.

"okay..." you trailed off as he removed his hands and carefully led you to the very top.

"you can open your eyes now, y/n." he said gleefully.

you opened your eyes and gasped in awe,  "stiles..." you were standing near the edge of a cliff overlooking beacon hills, the town was lit up and the lights twinkled under the dark, starless sky. "how did you know about this place?"

"well... when you mentioned you wanted a late night adventure i looked up secret spots in beacon hills to go for nights like this.." he shrugged.

"oh, stiles.." you blushed and kissed him on the cheek, "i'm glad you convinced me to come, this is fun."

there was a small bench on the cliff and stiles led you towards it and sat down, patting the space next to him. he put his arm around you and you snuggled into him. neither of you spoke for a while, you just watched the town of beacon hills below you, the lights flickering in contrast to the pitch black sky.

"y/n?" he said after a while.

"mm?" you mumbled, starting to feel sleepy again.

"i love you, so much." he pulled you closer to him.

"i love you too, stiles" you sat up and turned your face up to look at him.

he was smiling down at you, his deep brown eyes staring into yours.

he bought his face closer to yours, he kissed you softly, smiling in the process.
"shall we go home now? i'm starting to feel sleepy myself." he chuckled.

laughing quietly, you nodded your head and he stood up, offering his hand out to pull you up.

back in the jeep, you felt yourself nodding off to sleep, despite the attempt to keep your eyes open. stiles kept glancing at you the whole journey home, grinning because he was overwhelmed by how much he loved you. when stiles finally pulled up outside your home, he came around and noticed you were already asleep.

"y/n?" he asked quietly.

you murmured and tried to wake up, but you were too tired.

stiles then got a sudden idea, he rushed inside and grabbed blankets, duvets and pillows and bought them out to the jeep. he lowered the back seats and spread the blankets and duvets to make a make-shift bed.

the next thing you knew you were drifting off to sleep in the back of stiles jeep with his arms wrapped around you and his breath tickling your neck. for once he was the big spoon.

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