Six - I'm KEEPING Max's Coat

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Well, the fans definitely saw us alright. There was a lot of pictures of us on Twitter and Instagram, and some fan art. And a '#(*insert ship name here*)' ship going around.

I don't know how Max will react, but I'll just let the fans have their fun. Next thing you know, there'll be a FanFic of us that starts in October and talks about our relationship...

Nah. I doubt it

I was actually carrying a good haul up the steps. I had a dry-cleaners bag with my costume in it, since Adam wants us to all record in a costume on Halloween, my laptop bag, the printed spreadsheets for skin changes this month, three large boxes of fudge and Max's jacket. I washed it for him (between you and me, I kinda dropped it in the fudge batter I had made last night and accidentally knocked the jacket off the upper counter and it fell into the bowl. Oops), so I really hope he won't mind.

Of course, I couldn't get the door.

John was standing behind the front desk doing something, completely oblivious to the fact that I was on the other side of the door.

So I kicked it. "Barney! Open up!"

He glanced up, dropped what he was doing and rushed over to the door. "Holys dirts, (Y/N). What's withs all the stuffs?"

"Let's see, I've got my stuff for the Halloween Day, some notes, my laptop, and something I gotta give back to Max."

John smirked. "Oooooohs, yous means froms yours special dates nights, huh?"

"It wasn't a date, Barney." I wish.

"Whatevers yous says. The dirts on thes medias says others-wise."

I roll my eyes with a smile and go to my office. I hung the clothes bag off the back of the door, leave my laptop in the chair, and take the jacket, fudge boxes, and spreadsheet with me. First I went to Adam's office. He was setting up to record, so I slipped in and out and headed for the break area (it's not that big, but it has a fridge, so I'm gonna use it). I set the jacket down, taken out a sharpie and write "FOR THE HALLOWEEN PARTY. DO NOT OPEN UNTIL THE PARTY" in big letters on all of the boxes and shove them all in the back of the fridge.

Then I headed for Max's desk. He had his headphones on, and was typing something on a document. I shook his chair a little; he didn't move. "You have 3 seconds to knock it off, Ross." He says plainly.

I grabbed one of the speakers on his headphones and pull it out. "I'm not Ross," and I let go of the speaker.

He took off his headphones and turned around to look. He smiled slightly. "Oh, hey, (Y/N/N). What's up?"

I smiled back. "Nothing much. I just wanted to return your jacket." I say, holding up my arm. "I washed it for you. I used Tide, I don't know if you have any skin allergies or something." Wow. That didn't sound creepy at all.

"I appreciate that, but you can keep it." He says. I couldn't tell if he actually wanted me to keep it or he was creeped out by the fact that I just implied something personal.

"For real?" I say, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, it's totally fine. I've got another one at home just like it. You can take it."

"Okay, thanks." I guess. I looked up to see Ross standing next to the desk. "Hey, Ross."

He waved at me with a small smile, I headed to my office. I've got a video with MrCrainer to do.


"Dude, did you just seriously let (Y/N) keep your jacket?" Ross asks when (Y/N) closed her door and turned on the recording light.

"Yeah, why?" I say, raising an eyebrow.

"Dude, in case you've gone blind, that was your favorite fall jacket."


"You feeling alright?" He stuck his hand out and touched my forehead. I whacked his hand away.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Stop babying me."

"Are you a Mad Max now?" He chuckled slightly, then immediately stopped when he saw the unamused look on my face. "Leaving now."

"Yeah." I put my headphones back on and continue typing the script for "Redstoner."

I saw Ross come back out of the corner of my eye. "I need the--"

I didn't even look away from screen. I grabbed the flash drive with the white tape, and handed it to him.

"Thanks." He rushed off.

-POV (Y/N)'s to back change AND skip time this have can we backwards reading of power the to thanks!-

"Okay, guys, I think we're gonna leave this here. If that's okay with you, Kenshin?"

"Oh yeah, that's completely fine with me, man." Cory says over the chat channel.

"Alright then, if you want more of Who's Your Daddy, make that like button EXPLODE INTO A MILLION PIECES! And if you're new to my content, be sure to check out my other gaming videos and my Minecraft Content, and at least consider making that Subscribe button explode, and be sure to check out Cory's channel as well."

"Yeah, it'd be sweet if you did!"

"I'll check in with you guys later, Baiiiiiii!!!"

(A/N: FYI You just collabed with CoryxKenshin. YOUTUBE HIM HE IS REALLY FUNNY)

I stopped the recording and signed off the channel after talking with Cory for a bit.

I uploaded all of the videos to the flash drive and turned off the recording light.

Right as I did, Adam came bursting into my office. "Heeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy!"

"Hey! What's up?"

"Nothing much to be honest. Can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Sure. What's on your mind?"

"Um, I know Alesa's already done it a million times, but, uh... I didn't really do it earlier, I just wanna say thanks for, you know, helping me out."

"Oh, yeah, no problem. You don't have to thank me for it. You need me for anything, I'm there."

"Yeah. Thanks, man."

I smirk. "Bear hug?"

He didn't even answer, he immediately hugged me and swung me up and around out of my chair.

"Okay, Adam... Kinda can't breathe here..."

He immediately released me from his grip. "Sorry."

"It's fine."

"So, yeah..  I'm gonna.. You know, go before this gets anymore sappy."

I laugh, "You're cool, Adam." He smiled and rushed out.

Hmm... I wonder why Max let you keep his favorite jacket... Lol Who knows! (Honestly, I don't either.)

I hope you guys like Assassin's Creed cause you had an Ezio Auditore de Firenze Cosplay Costume in the bag. HEY. I NEEDED TO THINK OF SOMETHING, AND I WAS PLAYING ASSASSIN'S CREED UNITY AT THE TIME OKAY?!

I wonder what Max is gonna be... Hm... *Don't be surprised if I make him dress up as Nickelback because I've been short on ideas lately* *OH! I KNOW! COMMENT WHAT YOU WANT MAX TO BE FOR HALLOWEEN!*


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