Fourteen - God Dang Bed

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The feeling of Max shifting on top of me woke me up. He was clearing out the 1,000+ notifications on his Twitter account.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"4:30." He replies softly.

"When did you wake up?"

"5 minutes ago."


He locked his phone, making it as dark as heck in the living room, and sat up. I could still see him looking at me with tired brown eyes.

"Do you feel better?" I ask.

He stretched wide. "After that nap, hell yeah."

I chuckle. "If you want me to hide the card when it comes, I will."

"Nah. I'll hide it. When Mom comes over I'll hang it on the fridge."

I shrug and sit up. "I figured you were gonna burn it."

He shook his head. "I gotta admit, you're a pretty comfy pillow." He says, putting his forehead against mine.


"Yeah, I was actually pretty comfortable laying there."

I smile, kiss his nose and stand up. "You looked comfortable."

He just smirks. I start for my room, when I felt him grab my hand and pull me close, wrapping his arms around me.

"This is new." I say softly with a smile, wrapping my arms around him.

"Yeah." He kissed my forehead. "(Y/N/N), you know I love you, right?"

"Mm-hm." I give him a light kiss. "And I love you."

He just smiles. "I just wanna make sure you know."

"I wasn't complaining."

"I know." He broke off and ruffled my hair. Then he gave me another warm smile and walked into his room, leaving the door cracked.

I laugh softly to myself and go into my room.

I turned on the soft lamp, changed into a pair of shorts, got under the covers and turned off the lamp.

I started to drift off- SNAP! I screamed as I flying out of bed on the side I was on and onto the floor, hitting my head on the end table. Holy shit that hurt.

Two seconds later, the big light turned on. "(Y/N), what's wrong?!"

Max walked around the bed, saw me on the floor and immediately rushed over. "Holy crap; are you okay?" He grabbed my hand and slowly stood me up.

I nod, touching the obvious bruise on the back of my head.

"What happened?" I heard Ross ask from the doorway. He looked from me, to the bed, and back to me. "(Y/N), you alright?"

I nod again. "I have no idea how the hell the bed broke." Max sat me down in my fuzzy chair, ran out of the room, and came back with an ice pack. He held it up against the bruise.

It was my fat ass, that's what.

Ross got down on his hands and knees and looked at the foot of the bed. He picked up one of the wooden stands that held the bed up, then the one near the headboard on he same side. "Fuck! K.P.'s been scratching his nails on the posts."

Or not.

"Ross, I spent 50 bucks on a scratching post for a reason." Max says.

Winter Wonderland (Mithzan X Reader) [COMPLETE] (Watty's 2017)Where stories live. Discover now