Seventy-Five (ALT. ENDING)

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Long time no update here, eh?

I was going through some of my drafts and I found this, so have it from like years ago:

The Rihanna/Beyonce mix-up comments have been blowing up still somehow (I hope y'all know I did that intentionally to see who I would trigger) and I got this idea for how the last chapter could've gone.

What's been changed: POV and New Ending; Removal of that whole Daddy Issue thing--

Well... Here... I guess...

"Alright, alright, alright. Thank you guys so much for being patient. The Party made it through traffic, and we're ready to go."

I could hear the DJ from upstairs in the hallway. We had told him to say that there was a traffic jam. Which there actually was in the amount of time Max and Ross were gone, so it's not technically lying.

Everyone agreed to keep what happened between the group involved. The Sheriff came up with a viable cover story about how the teens were caught, so it's all good.

Max and I just don't want any family to get panicked or scared, or try to take it upon themselves to avenge anyone. I have a couple uncle's that are like that; they don't the exactly get along, but I've seen them gang up on my middle school principal when they started purposely dropping my grades for Title One funding. Not risking something like that again.

"You ready to see the gang?"

There was slight applause and some shouts.

Then he started to call the bridal party out in pairs.

"The maid of honor and best man, Ashley and Ross!"

We watched them go out hand in hand.

"And now for our two very special lovers tonight, say hello to Mr. Max LaPras and Mrs. (Y/N) LaPras!"

Max smiled at me and we both started for the staircase, gaining cheers and applause as we started down.

And then I lost one of my heels on the way down.

Go figure.

Max stopped to grab it and put it back on my foot, then we went the rest of the way down the stairs.

Then we finally ate. Everyone seemed to be in a better mood after that.

That was when the real party started. We figured we'd wait for the cake a little later.

The playlist was over the top. The DJ really knew what he was doing, and he was partying down with everyone as he worked the computer.

It was about 7:45 when I saw that Max and Ross were pretty deep in a discussion.

But when they finished, Max decided it was time to cut the cake, but he was really weird about it. He said, "to buy some time." Whatever that meant.

He had shoved it in my face when I was careful about it. The dorky bastard.

Ashley helped me clean the frosting off of my dress and everybody was partying a little longer when the DJ picked up the microphone. "Alright, alright. You guys having fun?"

He got some cheers in response. 

"Great! Now, I'd hate to do this, but can you guys make a little space in the center of the floor there?"

He got some murmurs but everyone backed up like he had asked. I saw that Ross was standing up next to him with his hands shoved in his pockets.

"Alright, thanks, guys. Hey, can I get Abby to come up to the floor?" Ross leaned in to whisper something in his ear. The DJ nodded. "Oh, no, sorry. Ashley, can I get Miss Ashley up here?"

Ashley gave me a confused glance, which made me shrug at her. She stepped up to the floor, Ross denied the microphone the DJ was about to give him and he stepped up to the floor in front of her. Nobody said anything, but there were a couple of gasps when Ross got down on one knee in front of her.

My eyes went wide; Max was smiling wide and wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we both watched. Ashley looked like she was about to cry. 

I couldn't hear what Ross was saying but I figured it out when he opened a small black box in his hand.

Ashley quickly nodded yes and Ross swung her around in a hug. Everyone broke into applause and the DJ went to play a song, which instead he accidentally played a meme.

He cut it off short with a slightly pink face. "Uh, sorry, guys. Wrong video."

Everyone just busted out laughing. I was thinking to myself about why I hadn't invited Jon in the first place. He would've been the life of the party.

But seeing the two made me realize something. I had everything I would ever want. I'm married to the best man in the world, we had just decided on a home, I had the job I had dreamed of since I was small.

What more could I want?

Max put his phone down when he stopped vlogging and was about to tag me on Twitter when he stopped, holding his phone over to me. "You checked your channel lately?"

I shook my head. "No, why?"

He chuckles. "You might want to."

I gave him a confused glance but took the phone, looking at the screen with my YouTube channel banner across it. Under it was my channel name, and the Subscriber count.


I almost lost it right then and there.

But all I did was smile and kiss my husband.

Everything was just the way it should be.

The music started playing again, this time Adam up at the DJ Table. He pressed a button on the computer and a song started playing.

"IT WAS BY BEYONCE ROSS!" He yelled over the music.


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