(Butts) 69

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6 hours to the wedding

"Out with you, boy. Out!" Aimee says as she pushed Ross out into the hallway.

Ashley giggled as he made a face. "I'll see you in a few hours, Ross."

They exchanged air kisses (Ew) and Ross went down the hallway to the room the boys were in. (I think I just triggered a couple of people)

"Okay. All guys are out."

I shake my head. "They're gonna drive us crazy in a few hours though."

"When we're partying it up? Hell yeah." Alesa says, feeding Mason his bottle.

We all laugh. "Okay. Everyone has their dresses here, right?"

Ashley got up and walked over to the closet, laying out the dresses as she counted them off. "Yup."

"Alright. Just making sure."

There was a knock on the door and Ashley went to answer it. Seconds later there was slight squealing and both Max and my mothers came running in with really scary smiles on their faces and Max's dad trailing behind. (That grammar usage tho)

Oh god help me.

"Ooooooh! My baby girl's getting married today!" My mom came running up and wrapped her arms around me, cutting off the air circulation in my body.

"O-Okay, Mom." I say sheepishly. "Yes. It's exciting. But I would like to die married." (😐)

"Oh, right. Sorry." She released me back onto the floor and I was able to breathe.

She went to make coffee as I went up to hug Felicity and Don. (Me just now realizing that I never gave Max's dad a name until now)

Then my mom turned on the TV, mostly for the weather but we all shut up and stared at the screen when the news came on.

'Windham Sheriff's Department is still on the hunt for the group that disrupted the Colson Wedding last Sunday. Deputy Sheriff Lalone told WCAX that they are asking for anyone with any information to call them immediately.'

"What happened at the Colson Wedding?" Aimee asks.

"Oh, it's just a bunch of punk teenagers. Apparently a group of people took and cut off the Groom's ride to the reception hall and he went missing for a few hours." My mom explained, pouring my creamer into the cup.

"Did they find him?" Alesa asked

"Yeah, they found him. He was in front of the backdoor of the reception hall with a gash on his arm and his wallet missing, but they still found him."

Then it hit me. "Oh crap."


"I forgot to tell Max about the separate arrival tradition."

"The what?"

"Our family has a tradition where on the wedding day after the ceremony the Bride and Groom ride to the reception hall in separate vehicles."

"Why would someone do that?"

"It's a tradition my great grandmother started." My mom starts. "She claimed that it proves that you'll always end of with your true love in the end. I think it's complete bullhawky, but it's still a tradition." (Divorce changes a woman's outlook on love apparently 😐)

I shake my head at her comment. "I'm sure it'll be fine."

"I dunno. I would call the sheriff's department just in case." Aimee says. "If they've done this multiple times they'll probably do it again."

"I'm sure it's fine. Besides, Max can easily throw a punch without a care in the world."

"But I would keep that in mind." Don says. "I'm gonna go check up on the guys. I'll tell Max about your little separate tradition there."

I nod and he walked out.

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