Seventeen - Max? Whatcha Up To?

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December 3rd

Max was up-and-at-em by 12:30 today. That and the doctor said he was fine. So all three of us went into work today.

That, and Max looked kinda stressed out. He was arguing with someone on the phone earlier, then literally stepped out to "take a breather."

Right now it's around 7:45. I'm reading over the movements for the MyStreet Machinima. I told Jess I would help her out with the positioning with the manikins for the 'Romeo and Juliet' play video.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. "Watcha doin'?" Max asks, kissing my cheek.

"Reading over Jess' script." I say, putting a hand on his. "You feeling okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You were arguing with someone on the phone earlier. You didn't sound very pleasant after that either."

He rubbed his forehead. "Nah. It was my mom. She got mad when I told her that we were going to your mom's place for Christmas."

"Oh. Yeah my mom did the same thing to me the first year I went to my dad's when I moved out. She got over it two days later."

"Takes my mom a week."

"She'll still get over it."

"Mm-hm." He buried his face in my hair for some reason. "Did you buy the tickets yet?"

"No, I wanted to do it with you."

"You wanna go do it now?"

"Sure." I turn off the computer and we both move to the couch in the main part of the office. More like lounged on it. I laid on top of him and went into the Delta website.

Max scoffs slightly at the two round trip flights I chose

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Max scoffs slightly at the two round trip flights I chose. "What's with the layovers?"

"That's all we can afford, Max. A straight on flight goes all the way into $4,000."

His eyes widened. "How much are we at now?"


"Yeah, that's good. We'll just have to remember our chargers."

I roll my eyes with a smile and fill out the information. "There. On December 18th, our butts have to be up at 10 PM to go to the airport. Our flight leaves at 12:40 AM on the 19th."

He groans. "Too early."

I sit up. "We can sleep on the plane."

He winces when I get up off his lap.

"Are you okay?"

"Whatever you just did really hurt my back just now."

He slowly sat up straight. "Holy crap."

"Why don't you go with Adam on his massage trip thing this weekend?"


"Yeah. Alesa and I are gonna go get our nails done on Saturday and Adam and Ross are gonna go to that massage therapy place while we do our thing. Why don't you go with them? Make a day out of it."

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