Thirty-Five -

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"You wanna go in with me or you wanna stay in the car?" I ask.

"How long are you gonna take?" Max asks.

"I should only be a minute."

"Then I'll wait."

"M'kay." I kiss his cheek and open the driver side door. "Be back in a sec." I close the door and run inside.

I ran to my office, giving Adam a quick hi when I passed him.

I drop off some stuff and start to rummage around for the insurance folder. I don't know why it would be in my office, but Max said he left it in here. So now I gotta find it.

As I started to rummage through the filing cabinet, there was a knock on the wall. I look to see a man in a collared shirt and tie with a notepad and some folders.

"You're..." He looks at the notepad. "'(YT/N)... (Y/N) Asher, right?" (Told you I gave you a last name.)

"Yeah, I'm (Y/N) Asher." I say, moving to the top drawer.  "Soon to be (Y/N) Lapras, but yeah. Who's asking?"

"Yussef Tyrone. I'm a representative for Google." (Weirdest. Sentence. I. Have. Ever. Written.) "Is it okay if I ask you a couple of questions?"

"Yeah, but quickly. I gotta take my fiance to the doctor's in a few."

"You're engaged to Maxwell..." Checks the notepad. "Mithzan, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Just making sure. Uh... Congratulations, by the way."

"Thanks." Okay, where the freak is this damn folder?

"Uh... First off... Do you know what sponsorship deal was made when you contacted Audible?"

"Oh, I don't know anything about the whole sponsorship thing. That's an Adam question. I just act in the skits."

"Uh-huh..." He jots what I just said down. "That skips a lot of questions... So, who was the actor for the puppet-thing in the last skit you... Michael... And Max did?" (FYI Michael is Red. I'm not even joking. His name is Michael. YouTube comments section told me. Idk if I spelled it right since there's like five different ways to spell it but OH WELL. I'm sure you guys'll tell me. 😯😶)

"Ross was the voice for Sprinkles. Uh, the puppet. He and John took turns using it."

"Right. One more question - and I don't mean to get personal, but I have to ask this - What are your recording plans for this week?"

"Uh... Let's see... Today's Sunday, so I'm going to upload a fan animation... Monday I'm recording a Who's Your Daddy with Markiplier... Tuesday I'm doing a VR to test out the equipment... Wednesday is Adventure Map Day, so I'm doing one called The Orphanage... Thursday... Uh... I might end up doing an Assassin's Creed Multiplayer if I can't think of anything... Friday, another Minecraft Survival video, and Saturday I'm doing a hide and seek with Aphmau -- Jess -- Adam, Max, and Red."

I dig through a pile of paper and finally find the folder. Then my phone bleeps.

Maxwell L - You coming?

- Gimme a sec. The reps here

"Okay, can we take this out there? I gotta lock up."

He nods and steps out. I lock the door and flip through the folder to make sure all the paperwork is in it.

"I have no more questions, but uh..." He scratches his forehead. "Do you know where I can find Max?"

"Yeah. My truck. He won't be coming in until later."

He nods. "Then I guess that is everything I need from you."

I say goodbye and run out the building and in the truck.

"What were you two making out or something?" Max asks sarcastically.

"Boy, are you crazy? I'm engaged, remember?" I put the gear in reverse and pull out of the parking spot. "He was asking me questions about the Audible skit we did."

"Questions? What's there to ask? We talked to a fucking puppet for 3 minutes and 50 seconds. There's not much to ask other than 'Are you mentally crazy?'" (Honestly, my parents must not know what a skit is because they now think Max and Red are even more retarded than they did before. 😥)

"Trust me, I know. My mom's spamming my Twitter acting like she's 14 year old hater."


When we reached a red light, I grabbed my phone, went into the "Mentioned" tab in my Twitter notifications and hand him my phone. (Don't EVER text and drive. 🙅) "The ones from DarkMatterMatters3825."

The light turned green and I turned right.

"You can tell it's your mom because she put 'love you' at the end of every Tweet." He puts my phone on the dash.

"She doesn't realize that the instant I delete my channel I quit my job."

He looks at me. "You're not gonna delete it, are you?"

"What? No! Are you loosing blood in your head or something? I'm not dropping to her level."

His face turns red slightly and he looks back to the road.

"What made you think I was gonna delete the channel?"

He doesn't say anything.


He sighs. "I don't know... I guess it was just the way you reacted when she told you not to come home for Christmas. You looked really heartbroken."

"Max, when I was in college, I learned that my parents' opinions don't matter anymore because I was under either of their roofs. So, my mom's opinion about my channel doesn't matter. She needs to learn that."

His face flushes less, but it's a light pink.

"Did you think I was gonna leave you?"

Now it's red again.

"Max, don't lie to me."

"... A little." (😱)


"(Y/N), you're... You. Hell, I'm still amazed you said yes when I proposed. When your mom had... You know, I thought you would've went over the edge, deleted the channel and, well, moved."

That just broke my heart.

We didn't say anything else the whole way up. When we pulled into the parking lot, I didn't get out right away.

Right when he was about to get out, I grabbed his wrist, fighting the urge to cry.

He looks at my hand, then to me, then closes the door.

"Max, I wouldn't move away. I've grown to love Seattle. And I wouldn't go anywhere if you weren't coming with me." I move my hand down to his. It was soft to touch. "I love you more than anything else in the world; I would do anything for you."

He smiles slightly, then caught me off guard when he kissed me.

I'll just take it as an 'I love you too.'

NOOOOOOOO I'M RUNNING OUT OF PICTURES OF MAX 😵 ... Wow that didn't sound creepy at all. O_o

Yeah... Sorry about not updating yesterday.

Let's just say I'm about ready to punch my director in the face.

Sorry lady, but this Cherry Blossom right here IS NOT staying in that Primus-damn auditorium until eight o'clock at night.

This Cherry Blossom tho 👉theoriginalmonkey👈💙😘

Hey, by the way, has anybody heard from her lately? She kinda just disappeared. Just wondering.

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