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'Wait for the cue... Wait for the cue...'

"Okay... Go." The Church-Goer/Staff Member waved for us to go forward, and my dad and I started down the aisle. (😄😄😄😄😄)

The Pastor smiled to both of us, and from the look on Max's face I could tell he wanted to cry.

That's my dork.

I gave him a smile and he stepped down from the alter to have my dad join my hand in his, who also looked like he wanted to cry.

He forced a smile and shook Max's hand before putting my hand in his. Then Max walked me up to the alter and the music stopped.

The Pastor smiled, then sucked in a breath. (Get ready for long AF legal shit)

"Today we have come together to witness the joining of these two lives. For them, out of the routine of ordinary life, the extraordinary has happened. They met each other, fell in love and are finalizing it with their wedding. A good marriage must be created. It is never being too old to hold hands. It’s remembering to say I love you every day and it is not just marrying the right person its being the right partner. May we now have the rings?"

Ashley stepped up and gave the pastor my wedding band and Ross did the same.

He nodded to them and continued reading. "The ring, an unbroken circle, represents unending love. As often as either of you look upon these rings, may you be reminded of this moment and the love you have promised to one another. Max, please place this ring on (Y/N)’s finger and repeat after me."

Max took my left hand and pushed the ring on.

"(Y/N), I give you this ring."

"(Y/N), I give you this ring."

"As a symbol of my love."

"As a symbol of my love."

"And that I'm choosing to share."

"And that I'm choosing to share."

"My life's journey with you."

"My life's journey with you."

"I give you this ring."

"I give you this ring."

"With the pledge to love you."

"With the pledge to love you."

"Today, tomorrow, and always."

"Today, tomorrow, and-" The mic on his jacket started to ring from the feedback and he winced.

One the the staff members quickly ran up, reset the mic and tested it. When it worked correctly, gave a thumbs up to another person and rushed off the stage.

"Let's, uh..." The pastor cleared his throat. "Let's try that last line again. Today, tomorrow, and always."

"Today, tomorrow, and always."

I smile and take his ring from the pastor.

"(Y/N), please place this ring on Max's finger and repeat after me."

I nodded and pushed the ring on his finger.

"Max, I give you this ring."

"Max, I give you this ring."

"As a symbol of my love."

"As a symbol of my love."

"And that I'm choosing to share."

Winter Wonderland (Mithzan X Reader) [COMPLETE] (Watty's 2017)Where stories live. Discover now