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"Is there anyway for them to send the dress to your store before the 15th?"

"Not exactly. Our shipped items are always marked as fragile, so it takes a bit more time. I imagine it would arrive here on the fifteenth."

Oh god what time does our flight leave?

I tried to pull up the itinerary as fast as I could.

"Whst time do you think?"

"I'd imagine some time in the morning or afternoon."

"Well, our flight leaves on the same day at around 8:30. So that should give it enough time, right?"

"We call almost as soon as the ordered item arrives. So I would imagine that it would be here and ready for pick up before your flight leaves."

"Oh, that is such a relief."

"So you want me to give an okay to ship it?"

"Yes, please."

I gave her the address and the topic moved to a request cancelling a tux order. I told her that my fiance would call about that later.

Wow I just got used to that word too.

We hung up just as Max came through the patio doors with an annoyed look on his face. "Tell Ross that he's gotta borrow Clarke's tux from 40 years ago." (A guess on Ross' Dad's name.)


"His tux ends up in Orlando, and then it goes missing." He flops on the couch and sighs. "Why couldn't there had been a warning for this?"

"Because it's a wedding, Max." I say as I get up and walk over to him. "There's almost never any warnings."

I carefully lay down on top of him and he props his head up with his arm to look at me. He had the same warm smile that melts my heart everytime.

(Random, off topic shit: Okay, why the hell did a Spotify ad come on where it was like, "bawk bawk, meow meow, dance with me purple cow"?)

"You know, I still find it weird." I say softly.

"What?" He asks.

"How, almost a year ago I met you, and we were just a couple of weird friends eating pizza and watching anime. Now here we are now. Getting final preparations together for our wedding."

He chuckles. "You know, normal people would date for a year or two before proposing."

"But we're not normal." I peck his lips.

"M-mm. No we're not."

"I just got used to calling you my fiance."

"So did I."

"Now I have to get used to saying husband."

"And being called a LaPras." (Please. Don't say anything. It's too late to change it now.)

"That'll take longer. But it's worth it."

I rest my head on his chest and I felt his hand stroke my hair. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

This is how it's supposed to be. I just know it.

Winter Wonderland (Mithzan X Reader) [COMPLETE] (Watty's 2017)Where stories live. Discover now