Thirty-Seven (February)

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New thing you have to know: your birthday is February 19th.

(Y/N)'s POV

"What colors do you think we should have?"

Max gives me a confused look. "For what?"

"The wedding."

"Oh. I don't know. Why are you starting with the colors?"

"So I know what to look for for the decorations and the dresses and everything else."

He just shrugs. "It's your special day, (Y/N). I'm okay with whatever you choose."

"Yeah, but it's your special day too, Max. You should have some input."

He doesn't say anything.

Right when I went to open my mouth there was knock on the front door. "UPS."

I get up and answer it.

"Hey, I have a package for... Ross Anderson."

"I'm his roommate. I can sign off for it."

He gives me his tablet, I sign my name and take the box. I thank him and close the door. "Ross! You've got a-"

Right out nowhere, Ross grabbed the package from my hands and went running back to his room. "My Amiiiiiiiiiboooooooo!"

Max and I look at each other. He just shrugs and turns his attention back to his phone.

I walk to Ross' room and stand in his doorway. He already had the Amiibo out of the box and was moving his other ones around to make room for it.

"Which one did you get?" I ask.

"Zelda." He says, positioning it on the shelf next to a Rosalina Amiibo.

"Don't you already have that one?"

"I have the limited edition one."

"So you ordered the normal one too?"

"Yeah." I roll my eyes with a smile and turn to got back to the living room. "You're weird, Ross."

"I know!"

~skip brought to you by Fame the Musical~

Small problem: Max fell asleep with me on top of him.

Why is that a problem? He has a really tight grip around me. And I have to use the bathroom.

Like, now.

And I don't wanna wake him up.

I carefully go to unlatch his hands, when his brown eyes shot open.


"Sorry." I say with a nervous smile.

"It's fine, baby." He says, rubbing his eye. "Whatcha need?"

"A bathroom break."

He nods and moves his arms. I run to bathroom.

Hey. When you gotta go, you gotta go.

When I came back out, he was on his phone, scrolling through his text messages.

I climb back on the bed and rest my head on his shoulder. He wraps his free arm around my waist; I just play with his hand to get rid of the small amount of boredom I have. He doesn't seem to mind.

We just laid there for what seemed like forever.

I think I was asleep for at least an hour until Max woke me up. We have to get ready for the Olive Garden dinner.

Short. Idc. Tomorrow is the last show. Tonight imma SLEEEEEEEEEEEP.

This Cherry Blossom tho 👉theoriginalmonkey👈💖

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