Twenty-Four -

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Max's POV

The TV was glaring in our faces; well, mine and Ross'. (Y/N) had her face buried in my chest and was sound asleep. I don't mind.

We seriously have nothing to do. We were just watching a rerun of Friends.

(Y/N)'s phone started to vibrate over and over again on the coffee table.

"You gonna wake her up?" Ross asks.

"Nah. Hand it here."

Ross leans from the chair, grabs the phone and puts it in my hand.

I pressed the green button and put it to my ear.

"Did you delete it yet?"

"Uh, I'm sorry?"

"Who is this?"

"You first."

"This is (Y/N)'s mother. Now you."

"This is her boyfriend. (Y/N)'s not available right now. I can take a message."

"Tell her to call me when that channel disappears, because it's still there."

Don't do it, Max. It's not worth it.

"Yeah. I'll let her know."

"Wait. Did you say you were her boyfriend?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"It's Max, right?"


It was quiet on the other end of the line for a second. "Just making sure." Then it cut out.

"That was weird."

"Her mom still being a douche?" Ross asks, taking the phone from me and putting it back on the coffee table.

"Yup. As soon as I answered, she was like 'is the channel gone?'."


"Was tempted. Didn't do it." I rub my forehead. "Was definitely tempted."

I hang onto (Y/N)'s hand and just watch Chandler Bing do his retarded victory dance. Which is still pretty funny.

~A half hour into the Chandler Bing Marathon later...~

"Mm..." (Y/N) moved her head slightly.

"Ross, turn it down a little." I say, squeezing her hand three times.

He did. (Y/N)'s (E/C) shot open, staring at the TV screen for second.

"Did we wake you?" I ask softly.

"Mm-mm. Can you hand me my ear buds and phone, please?"

Ross leans forward, puts the phone and the buds in my hand and I give them to her.

She plugged the headphones in and unlocked her phone, putting the buds in her ears. She scrolled through it for a second, then locked and set the phone down on top of her blanket and closed her eyes again.

Out of nowhere she grasped my hand, holding it in a tight grip and held it close to her chest. I put my free hand on top of her head and stroked her hair with my thumb.

I could tell she was scared. I just couldn't figure out why.

Then it hit me.

Tomorrow was December 24th.

It's going to be the first year that she wouldn't be with one of her parents for Christmas since she moved out of her mom's place.

"It's gonna be okay." I whispered in her ear. "You're gonna have a good Christmas."

Her grip eases up, but she doesn't let go.

She doesn't have to.


"(Y/N)," I nudge her arm. She just moans. "Baby, time to wake up."

Her eyes flutter open and meet mine.


"What do you want?" She moans.

"You've been taking a nap for 2 hours."

"Yeah, well I don't feel good."

"What's wrong?"

"My head hurts."

I climb out from underneath her and she just buries her face in the throw pillows. "Five more minutes."

I hoist her up and hold her bridal style. She shrieks when I do.

"Max! What are you doing?!"

I don't say anything as I carry her to our room and carefully put her down on the bed.

"You know I can walk, right?" She says.

I just shrug. "Stay there."

I rush out to the kitchen and grab the bottle of ibuprofen and a glass of water and take them back to her. "Don't need you sick on Christmas." I say as she takes two of the capsules and drinks some of the water.

"Thanks." She sets the glass on the end table as I climb into bed next to her. "Can you believe it?"

"Believe what?"

"Tomorrow's Christmas Eve." She lays her head on the pillow and pulls the covers up.

"Yes, it is." I set my phone's volume to low. "Is that bad?"

"No. It'll just be... Weird."

"Hey, you're gonna have a good Christmas," I squeeze her hand. "If I have to make sure of it, I will."

She gives me a small smile. "Why are you so good to me?"

"Cause you're good to me."

She just smiles more. "I love you."

"I love you more."

She laughs quietly. "You're such a dork."

"I know." I lay down and click the lamp off. "But I'm your dork."

She lets out a small yawn.

"Com'ere," I pull her in close and she rolls over so that her back is against my chest. I wrap my arm around her waist and kiss her neck lightly. "Everything's gonna be alright."



Wow do I use a lot of I's or what? O_o My writing habits though.

This user tho 👉theoriginalmonkey👈💙

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