Sixteen - Urgent Care. MEH.

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NOTE: I don't know Ross' last name and I'm not a creepy person who spends an hour or more Googling it so I'm putting a random last name. 😓

"Uh, Adam, we got a... Small, problem." I say into the microphone.

"What?" He asks.

"Remember the amount of squealing and high pitched voices Ross and Max were making yesterday?"

"Yeah, I thought Ross had squealed a lung out. Why?"

"Well... Both of them found themselves in a spot with a sore throat and a fever of around 99°."


"Yeah. Max got up this morning complaining that he was really hot and he had all the covers off. I took his temp and he had a 99.2. Then Ross comes out and almost falls over. He had a 99.6 and he could barely speak clearly."

"Well, they're gonna go to the doctor's at some point today, right?"

"Can't take them to our usual place. It's closed on Saturdays. I'm gonna have to take them to Urgent Care. I mean, I can't guarantee that they'll be able to come in today, but at least they can get the right prescriptions."

"Alright. I'll let Cory know we're short an editor. Don't let them come in today."

"I won't. I'll check in with you in a few hours."

I hung up and started to Google search for the nearest Urgent Care facility. 2 miles inside downtown. Great.

I came inside from the balcony and bolted the door behind me.

"What did he say?" Ross asks in a quiet and raspy voice.

"No work for you two." I say, pointing at both of them. "He would've let you come in if you didn't have high fevers."

They groan.

"Oh relax. Come on. Grab your jackets and blankets. I gotta take you to the doctor's office."

"The office is closed on-" Max coughs. "On Saturdays."

"Yeah, but Urgent Care isn't. Come on, let's go. I'll buy you two some Dairy Queen for your throats on the way back."

Ross loved the sound of that, because as soon as he heard those fourteen words, he shot up as fast as he could and put his sneakers on. Max was slow about it. He didn't even put shoes on. He put on slippers, and I could tell he was in no mood to talk about it.

"I'm paying a flat fee." Ross says.

"I'm not paying no out of pocket crap." Max mumbles, zipping up his jacket.

"Well, we're gonna need your medical file if you wanna use your insurance." (Look at you, talking all adult stuff. [Thank Sky for Google.] 😎)

Max just went into his room and came pack out, handing me the folder labeled "Doctor/Insurance Stuff" and a bottle of hand sanitizer.

Ross got in the back and Max was in the passenger seat with a physician's mask on. The dork said he didn't want to get anymore germs.

I'm not even joking. That's literally what he told me.

I drove them both to Capitol Hill with Ross passed out in the back. I shook him awake when we got in the parking lot. Max was bitching about how cold it was. Then he shut up when we got inside and was actually pretty happy that there was no one else in there.

They both say down in the waiting area and I went up to the front.

"Hey, how can I help?" The black-haired lady in Winnie the Pooh scrubs asks.

"I've got two guys over here who need to see someone. They both had a fever between 99 and 99.8 and their throats are dry and red." I pointed to Ross, who was completely emersed in the Finding Nemo movie on the TV, and Max, who was off in his own world on his phone.

"Ooh, sounds like they have a bad cold." Then she made a face. "Is the ginger-haired one wearing a medical mask?"

I give her a nervous smile. "Uh... Yeah, that's my boyfriend."

"What's your relation to the other one?"

"He's one of my best friends."

"I see. What're their names?"

"The one with the glasses and the Attack on Titan blanket is Ross Anderson, the other one with the mask is Maxwell Lapras." I hold up Max's folder. "Uh, Ross is willing to pay the flat visit fee, but Max wants to make an insurance claim." (Wow. I'm 15 and I somehow know how this stuff works and I haven't even gotten out of Career Management. GO ME! 🙌)

She takes the folder and reads over. Then she called Max over and he had to fill out some paperwork. Ross fell asleep again.

Max spent at least 15 minutes filling out the paperwork. In that time, I had went in with Ross and I was right: he had a really bad cold. Advil. Savior.

When we came out, doctor was ready for Max. I went in with him, too. Again. Bad cold. Advil. And Tylenol. Savior.

On the way home I got the two ice cream, like I had promised. Ross wanted chocolate, even though I advised him against it. Max got vanilla with rainbow sprinkles. And I picked up their prescriptions.

I got the two to give a thumbs up in a selfie. (I've lost track of whether it's in or out, so...)


No updates from me or Ross today guys. And I don't think the Butt Knights will be visiting very often. Lol 😽😛😜😝😋'

They both took a nap around noon. I made them Macaroni and Cheese (or Max and Cheese. I live with adorable dorks) for lunch and checked in with Adam over Skype.

Why do I suddenly feel like I'm speaking like they're 6 year olds?


I seriously feel like Max's cold is worse than Ross', because Ross was up and moving around by 4:30. Max was dying from his cough (figuratively speaking) and I had to get Vick's Rub from CVS for him.

If he doesn't feel any better tomorrow, I'll have to take him back in.

This Cherry Blossom tho 👉theoriginalmonkey👈💙

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