Nine - New Old Room (November)

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"Where do you want this?" Max asks, holding up my flower box.

"Just leave it on the dresser for now." I say.

He nods and put it there. He was helping me empty out some of the boxes so they can go with the garbage when Ross takes it down later (I guess it's his his turn this week, I don't know).

Everybody has the weekend off, mostly because Friday is the day we record three days worth of videos instead of one, and Max has to put in work a little faster to leave at a somewhat normal time. (Fuck it. We've been leaving at at least midnight.) I offer to help, but he usually either declines it or has me get all the drives for him.

"Where do you want this?" Ross asks, almost falling over as he walked into the room is with my fuzzy chair high over his head. Max stopped him before he hit the wall and gave a light shove back towards the exit, which he went full throttle towards and almost crashed into the wall in the hallway.

"Holy shit, Ross. Set it down before you snap your neck." I say.

"Iiiii got it. Just tell me where you want it."

"Just set it down next to the door. I'll find a spot for it once these boxes are cleared out."

"Okay." THUD! "That's everything you own, right?"

"Yeah. I'm no longer in that apartment. I dropped the keys off this morning."

"You know what this calls for?"




"I'll order it!" Ross went running out of the room and into the kitchen.

I looked around the room. It was starting to look a lot like my old bedroom. The bed was in the same spot, so was the end tables. The chair corner has to be set up still.

 The chair corner has to be set up still

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Max and I were really quiet for a while. I didn't know what to say. I doubt he did either. Mostly because he was dusting everything off for some reason.

I just figured he liked things clean.

It took us about an hour to clear out all of the boxes. Ross says we have to go to the office tomorrow to add me to the lease. Other than that, we have nothing else planned.

I did a vlog once my room was unpacked all the way. I ended up vlogging the pizza guy. Hey, the camera was rolling when he came. It happens.

We just hung out and watched TV. I chatted with some of my fans of Twitter, K.P. kept hissing at whenever s/he came out of Ross' room. (Someone please tell me if K.P. is a boy or a girl. Because I have seen NO PICTURES OF THIS FREAKING CAT and according to all of the other FanFics I've read, Ross has a cat.)

Which is mostly why I don't like cats. Meh. I'll warm up to him. (Okay this cat is a him until I figure out what gender he actually is.)

*Spongebob MonoTone* THE NEXT DAY.

Ross is out of the house, so it's just me and Max. (Hey. House_Owner isn't in his house. Eh? Get it? ... No? Okay. I'm done.)

My phone's blowing up, mostly from Twitter.

Everyone's raving about the next episode of Jess' Minecraft Diaries. Problem is, I don't even work with the production of that series. So I don't know why I'm getting tagged in all the hype.

It's not that I'm not interested in what's gonna happen in the next episode, it's just weird that I keep getting tagged. I'm not voice acting for Machinima Cuts, so I really have nothing to do with it.

I looked over at Max. He was sitting upside down in the loveseat, staring at the ceiling.

"Are you bored?" I ask.

"How's you know?"

"It's not often I see someone sitting in the opposite position that is usually intended for a chair."
(Uh... What?)

"Well, yeah, I'm bored." (I guess that made sense. I dunno.)

"Read a book. Didn't your mom just send you a copy of the first book out of the Percy Jackson Series?"

"Read it already."

"What about a game on your phone?"

"Nah. They're all times ones, I won't have a notification for another..." He checked the time on his phone. "4 hours."

"I can't think of anything else, man." I continued scrolling through the article on my phone.

"Would you want to go out and do something?" He asks, looking at me upside down.

"What would you have in mind?" I locked my phone and sat it down.

"I dunno; we could go get some lunch, you could help me do some shopping, I gotta buy my mom a birthday present."

I just shrug. "Sure, just let me go change." I got up from the couch and started for my room.

"You're gonna change?"

"Uh, yah. Would you rather I went in sweatpants?"

"Point taken."

I smirk and went to my room to change.

When I came out, he had changed too, and was tying his sneakers

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When I came out, he had changed too, and was tying his sneakers.

"So I'm the weird one for changing?" I ask, pulling the strap of my purse over my head.

He just shrugs. "I can't spend over $100, so do me a favor and make sure what I'm looking at doesn't exceed that limit."

"I got you." I opened the door, immediately shut it when I realized how cold it was, grabbed my (well, more Max's) jacket and put it on. I saw his face flush, but he didn't say anything.

"You good now?" He says with a smirk.

"Yeah. Come on, Ginger." I open the door and walk out.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm right behind you, ya shorty."

"I'm not short, I'm fun sized!" (Ya see what I did there? Ya. I READ DA COMMENTS. DON'T THINK I DON'T.)

No. This isn't a date AT ALL... Or is it? 😮

Lol If you want me to add Max's outfits in the chapters LEMME KNOW! If not you can always look me up on Polyvore. I'm miniprime-onsteroids . 😐

theoriginalmonkey. CLICK. DA. FREAKING. USERNAME.

Also, what do you think Max should get? (Please or I'll end up doing the bracelet cliche.)


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