Forty-Five - WHERE'S THE CAR?!

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"Max, you're hurting me." (Y/N) mutters.

I shift to the left so less of my weight is on her. "Sorry."

I hear her sigh and she starts to run her fingers along my hairline. She sounds upset to me.

I carefully roll off to one side and look at her. "You okay?"

"I don't even know anymore." She gets up and goes to the kitchen to get a cup of cocoa. "I feel like I should just tell her I deleted it and upload less often." She stands next to the loveseat at she takes a sip of it.

"Then you would be lying." I say, sitting up.

"Yeah, but then she would get off my ass about it. Maybe have some dignity."

"Hey, I'm not talking you out of it, but what's your number one rule when it comes to your channel?"

She raises an eyebrow. "Always have fun when filming?"

"Okay, what's your second rule?"

She thinks for a second, then sighs. "Never lie to the (F/B/N *Fan Base Name*)s." She sets the cup down on the end table. "Then what am I supposed to do? Let her constantly harp on me?"

I hold my arms open her and she sits on my lap and rests her head on my shoulder.

I kiss her nose. "You know what?"


"I'm taking you out tonight."

"You mean like a date?"



"You need a serious break. I don't like seeing your pretty face stressed out so much."

Her smile makes me feel warm. "Why are you so good to me?"

"Because you're good to me." I kiss her lightly and make circles on her back. "Now I want you to go get ready. You don't have to get all dressed up, okay?"

She nods, kisses my cheek and goes to our room and closes the door.

~Skip Brought to you by a special place~

"Max, where are we going?" (Y/N) asks for the 4th time.

"You'll see." I tell her with a smirk. "I'm surprised you don't remember this road."

"It's familiar, but I don't remember it exactly. Why?"

We go up a little ways until the pizzeria comes into view. (Y/N)'s eye immediately lit up. "Oh, now I remember! This is where we had our first date!"

I chuckle as I park the car. "Yes it is." I kiss her lightly. "I know it's not much, but I couldn't think of any other place you would like."

She just smiles at me.

We go in, get a table and order. It wasn't as packed as it was the first time we were here.

I made (Y/N) turn off her phone and hand it over. No Twitter, no moms spamming her phone, just me and her. And she seemed pretty okay with that.

We paid and were just walking out when (Y/N)'s bright smile faded and she looked really upset.

"(Y/N)? Is everything okay?" I ask, squeezing her hand.

"Where's the... Where's the car?" She asks, raising her voice a little.


"The car, Max. It's gone."

I look. Sure enough, our parking spot was empty.

"The hell?" I bite my tongue to keep from cursing anymore. Then I sigh and shove her phone over. "Call Red. We need a freaking ride home."

She nods and puts the phone to her ear as I dial 911.

(Y/N)'s POV



"(Y/N)? Why are you calling me at... 10:30 at night?"

"Uh, Max and I have a small problem."

"The can it wait until morning?" He coughs.

"Red. Our car was stolen. It kinda can't."

"(Y/N), I'm sick. You'll have to call Barney.""

"Then wake his ass up and tell him to answer the phone!"

"Oh, god... Hang on."

There was some shuffling, then I heard Red shout Barney's name harshly, then cough.


"Barney, two things: One, answer your goddamn phone. And Two, can you give us ride back to our apartment? Please?"



"Whys does you twos needs a ride?"

"Our car was... Kinda... Stolen..."

"Oh, yous gots to be fuckings kiddings me."

"Nope. Max's face is red again."

He sighs. "Alright. Wheres are you two dirts bags?"

I give him the address. "And you'll know it's us when you see a cop car in the parking lot."

"Is got you. Hey, Red! Gets back in beds, man. Yous sicker thans the Goats. .. Ya, ya, here."


"Goodnight, Red. Sorry for waking you up."

"It's all good. Bye~"


When I hung up, a police car pulled into the parking lot.

It's gonna be a long night.

Okay! Here's this!

Uh... We're not back up on a daily basis yet. Got a lot of school things going on.

That and I have boy relationship problems.

Let's just say that I AM NOT DATING A SOPHMORE.

UGH. 😩😰😵😑😴

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