Twelve - Careful What You Wish For Max

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*Two Weeks Later*

Max's POV

"Did you like the bracelet, Mom?" I ask over Skype. I'm surprised she figured out how to use it (Skype, not the bracelet).

"Oh, it's beautiful, honey!" She says with a smile. "I'm just confused by something."

"What's that?"

"The wrapping paper said 'Happy Birthday, Mom. Love Max and (Y/N).' Who's (Y/N)?"

I give a small laugh. "You'll find out when you come up in a few weeks."

"True, but you could just tell me now."

I laugh. "Alright. Hey, (Y/N)!"
"Yeah?" She calls back from her room.
"Com'ere for sec."

She came out of her room, pulling her (*hair color*h/c) back into a ponytail. "What's up, babe?"

"Did she just call you babe?"

I laugh again. "Come here, my mom wants to say hi."

She pulled one of the table chairs up next to me and sat down. She smiled at the face cam and waved. "Hi, Mrs. Lapras!"

"Mom, this my girlfriend, (Y/N)."

"Oh, my gosh, look at you! She's so pretty!"

(Y/N) giggles a little. "Thank you."

"Is my Maxie treating you right?"

Oh my god did she seriously call me Maxie in front of (Y/N)?! "Mom!"

"Yes, he's a very... Quirky, gentleman."

"Well, that's good. I can't wait to meet you in person when I come up."

"You too!"

"So how's that friend of yours... What's his name? Josh?"

"Ross. And he's fine." I say. "He took his cat to the groomers."

"That's good. Oh! I've been thinking about this year's Christmas pictures."

Oh boy. "What'd you have in mind?"

"Remember the cards from the Rickert's from last Christmas?"

"Uh... No I never got one."

She held up a picture of the Rickert twins. Their mom had tied them together with lit up Christmas lights.

"Mom, you're not tying me up with Christmas lights." I say firmly.

"What's the big deal? I did the same thing when you were 3."

"You did what?!"

"Oh, yeah! You're father was against it, but I talked him into it. I think I still have the picture."

"Mom, if you do find the photo, do me a favor, and burn it."

"Oh, don't get your boxers in a bunch. You looked adorable!"

I saw (Y/N) bite her lip with a smirk out of the corner of my eye. Then I saw my dad walking around her in the background on screen. "Dad, back me up here!"

"Huh?" He moved over next to Mom. "What's going on?"

"Mom wants to do the thing she did for the Christmas photo when I was three."

"Sorry, Son. I won't be there to stop her. I gotta work the week she comes up."

I groan.

"Meh. Maybe you're, uh, lady-friend there can help you out."

"Oh no, I'm very interested in seeing how this'll turn out."

My dad shrugs. "Then I guess you're out of luck, Max. Might as well take it and get it over with."

"Dad, she's gonna send this picture to everyone we know."

"What's the big deal?" He just shrugs again. "The TV's mine. The race is on." He walked out of the room.

"I gotta go, honey. Got some errands to run. I'll see you two next week." She signed off.

(Y/N) busted out laughing.

"What are you laughing about?" I ask.

"'Don't get your boxers in a bunch.' Ooooooh my god, that was awesome!" She says over her laughter.

"Yeah, well thanks for backing me up there. NOT."

"What's wrong with the idea? I did it when I was 7."

"I'm 23-years old, do you really think I want to do a kids photo idea?"

She just shrugs. "It'll be fun. You'll see. Maybe she'll take a group photo of everyone in the office for us."

"That sounds better than the one she has."

She rolls her eyes and gets up, moving the chair back to where it originally was. "You want rainbow lights or white lights?"


She laughed. "I'm making a tuna fish sandwich, you want one?"


I am not even joking, my mom did that to me when I was 10. WORST. PHOTO. EVER.



But meh. That chapter should be... Interesting to write. Lol ... NOPE. I ALREADY FEEL THE CHILL.

This user tho → theoriginalmonkey

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