Twenty-Nine - 'Riot'

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For your guys' own privacy, I have given you a last name. 😇😶😳😎😏😽👫

Max's POV

Yup. I'm a complete moron.

(Y/N) probably thinks I'm a complete moron, too.

Thanks to me, we're getting to her dad's house later than planned.

Way to go, Max. Way to go.

"You got the ibuprofen, right?" (Y/N) asks me, shoving her backpack under the seat in front of her.

"I have some, why?" I unzip the front pocket of the suitcase and rummage around for the blue bottle. "You got a headache coming on?"

She nods and I hand her the bottle. She takes two of the pills and hands it back. "I'm gonna be out tonight."

I zip the bag shut and shove my laptop bag under the seat in front of mine and sit down. "At this rate, we'll be there by tomorrow."

"Attention passengers, this is your captain speaking. The time currently is 10:34 PM. Temperature is around 19°F. We should be arriving in Burlington at around 12:35 AM Eastern Time. I'm gonna go ahead and turn on both the No Smoking light and the Seatbelt Light; please follow all instructions given by the attendants. On behalf of Delta and the Sky Team, thank you for flying with us today."

We both buckle and (Y/N) puts her ear buds in as the attendant gave the standard instructions and all that jazz. We've both heard it a million times. It never changes.

Then the plane moved us towards the runway and revved up. (Or whatever the fuq the term is for airplanes. I won't be on one until July, so... Ye.)

When the place started to lift up, (Y/N) grabbed my wrist with a really tight grip and squeezed her eyes shut. I move her hand up to mine and I squeeze it three times. When we were flying straight in the air, she opens her eyes, loosens her grip and catches her breath, making an ear bud fall out of her left ear.

"What's wrong?" I whisper to her.

"I don't like takeoffs." She mumbles back.

"Oh." I lift both of our hands up, push the arm rest back, and pull her in close, wrapping my arms around her as the cabin lights went out.



"I love you."

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