Fifty-Five - First Reaction Video Ever (Shittiest Chapter)

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Wow. I am literally shocked right now.

"Hellooooooooooooo YouTube!" I exclaim to the camera. "My name is (YT/N), and today I bring you something a little different. You guys have absolutely blown up my Twitter and Instagram with the link to this YouTube video, and, obviously, you guys want me to watch it. So let's do this!"

I quickly pressed the pan button and watched the monitor to the left of the main one. My face-cam moved to the top left hand corner of the screen and I nodded with a smile. "And in three... Two... One..." I slapped the space bar and it played.


The thing ended with a Transformers theme song. My face was a mix of 😕 and 😐

"Okayyyyyyy... That was... Interesting... I mean I have seen the original trailer... But this was very... Different... Uh... Yeah..." I shook my head out. "Anyway, if you liked this, HIT THE LIKE BUTTON. If you wanna see more from me, HIT THE SUBSCRIBE BUTTON. THOSE BUTTONS WILL LOVE YOU!!!!! Bye~!"

Okay. Ignore the shittiness of this chapter. I REALLY NEED TO SHOW YOU GUYS THIS!

So I went onto my profile page cause I was post a message, here's what I see.

I am completely SHOCKED. I never in MY LIFE thought that ANY of my work would EVER be ranked.

I owe it all to you guys for getting this story where it is now.

In other words, I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH. 😘

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