eVeRyThInG wRoNg WiTh ThIs FaNfIc (PaRt ThReE)

489 13 11

Current Sin Count: 105

The fact that the Main Character is this Bad Ass

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The fact that the Main Character is this Bad Ass

*DING* +1

*DING* +1

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*DING* +1

The mother of this child refers to her child with his nickname while off camera

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The mother of this child refers to her child with his nickname while off camera

*DING* +1

Multiple arguments say some people are taller than Max

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Multiple arguments say some people are taller than Max.

One sin for every comment.

Winter Wonderland (Mithzan X Reader) [COMPLETE] (Watty's 2017)Where stories live. Discover now