Thirty-Six and a Half (36½)

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I knock on the door. "(Y/N)?"

"It's safe, Max." She says.

I open the door slightly and step in, closing it behind me. "I figured you'd want some company." (Relax nothing's gonna happen. I'd warn you like 10 times if something was going to happen.)

She smirks at me.

"How much bubble stuff did you use? Add anymore water and the tub'll overflow."

"I used half the bottle."

I grab the stool out of the closet, set it down next to the tub and sit on it, throwing my jacket in the laundry basket. "Was the movie that bad?"

"It wasn't the movie, Max, I've just been..." She sighs. "Stressed out."

"Over what?"

"Let's see... There's my mom being a hater, I've gotta start wedding planning, and we've got a whole ton of skits to do that we haven't gotten home til late and we're exhausted." She put her face wash on as she spoke. Then she grabs a washcloth and starts to wipe it off on one side, really hard.

I grab her wrist gently. She stops and looks at me as I take the washcloth from her. "Just relax."

I gently wipe the face wash off the right side of her face. "You gave yourself a red mark, baby." I get my hand wet and run my thumb along her cheek; the redness went away a little. "You're stressing out too much. Just calm down."

I continue to wipe the face wash off. She stared right into my eyes the whole time.

"What I want you to do, is to get dressed, come to bed and relax. Mmkay?"

She nods.

"Okay. I'll step out for you."

And I did.

She came out 10 minutes later with her hair slightly wet and her shirt tied off with a hair tie.

Then she flops on the bed.

I put my phone on the dresser, sit down on the bed next to her and rub her back lightly.

"I don't wanna go in tomorrow." She says with her face in the pillow.

"Then don't."

"I have to go in. I promised Okward I would do an adventure map with him." She turns her head to face me. "I'm just really, really tired."

We both get under the covers and I switch off the light. Then I pull her in close and kiss her forehead.

"Everything's gonna be okay. I promise."



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