Twenty-Seven and a Half (27½)

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"Attention Delta travelers, Delta flight 272016A to Detroit, Michigan is now boarding all minors, first class passengers and passengers that require special assistance. Please have your tickets ready when you board."

"Max," I poke his arm and he pulls an ear bud out. "We're about to board."

He nods and starts to pack his laptop.

"Alright, now we can take all main cabin passengers. On behalf of the Delta Sky Crew, we thank you for flying with us today."

"Where's my phone?" Max looks under the table.


"My phone; where is it?"

"Aren't you using it for your music?"

"No, I'm using my iPod."

"Last call for all passengers for flight 272016A "

"Max, use the Find My Phone app if you have to, we gotta move now."

"Go ahead and board, I'll be on in a sec."

"What? Are you crazy?"

"(Y/N), I will be on that plane in the sear next to you. Hurry and board. I'll rush on as soon as I find my damn phone. I promise."

I sigh and board, leaving the suitcase with him and taking my purse and my ticket.

I get on and watch the front of the plane for Max.

I watch a flight attendant close the plane doors and latch them shut.

Max never got on.

"No, no, Ma'am?" I hold up my hand. "Are we taking off?"

"Yes, ma'am. We are about to take off. I need you to take your seat and buckle up."


"Miss, my fiance still has to board."

The plane started to move.

"Ma'am, please take your seat."

Oh. My. God. Max is still in the freaking airport. And we're taking off. Without him.

I am seriously gonna cry.

I drop my butt in the seat and buckle with tears stinging my eyes.

The fuck am I supposed to do now?!

Max's POV (😱)

"Last call for Mr. Maxwell Lapras."


I move faster and look for my phone. I finally found it next to the garbage can on the floor.

As soon as I grabbed it, the Delta attendant closed and locked the gate door.

I immediately run up to her.

"Sir, you need to step back." She says.

"No, you don't understand. My fiance is on that plane, I'm supposed to be on that plane."

Right when I said that, the plane started to back out from the gate.

"I'm sorry, sir. But the plane is taking off."

Are you kidding me right now?!

"Sir, if the flight was important, I suggest that you head to the help desk to rebook the flight."

I nod and start that way.

Ooooooh (Y/N) is gonna kill me.

The fuck am I supposed to do now?!


This Cherry Blossom tho 👉theoriginalmonkey👈

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