Fifty-Two - Change of Pace (May)

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"We'll see you at home, Ross." I say as Max and I were walking out. He gives us a piece sign from his desk and we walked out. We were about five miles up the road when my phone started going off. It was Ashley.

"Hey, Kenny. What's up?"

"I need you over here. Like, now."

"Everything okay?"

"Me right now: yes. Me in the future: No fucking clue."

"Well, just relax, Max and I will be over in 10."

"Kay. Hurry."

She hung up almost immediately after she said that.

"Everything okay?" Max asks, glancing at me for a second then returning his attention to the road.

"I'm not sure. Ash needs us over there."

"She say why?"


He shrugs. "We're about to find out."

I felt the entire car speed up.


Max only got a chance to knock on the door once before Ashley opened it and pulled us both inside and slammed the door shut.

"Everything okay?" I ask. "You sounded nervous on the phone."

"Yeah, no, it's not okay. You know how I'm working a side job as a secretary for that SC Johnson factory outside of downtown?" (Leave me alone it was the first thing that came to mind.)

Max shrugs. "I guess. What about it?"

"Well I just got this in the mail today." She rummaged through a stack of opened mail and pulled out a paper that had a ton of seals on it.

I took it and read it our loud.

(Sorry y'all ain't getting my last name.)

Dear Miss Ashley M. Pax,

We are happy to write to you about a most opportunist promotion option.

Upon consideration of over 50 hard working candidates in your operating company facility, we are proud to say that you have been selected for an optional promotion of a higher ranking position to your current secretary position.

"Ashley, this is awesome!" I gush.

"Nooooooooooo It's not. Keep reading." She says with a red face. I shrug and continue.

"We are promoting you to head secretary of our Company Headquarters in...'" Oh.

"Headquarters where?" Max asks.

I swallow hard and keep reading. "'We are promoting you to head secretary of our Company Headquarters in Los Angeles, California. Upon your acceptance, you will receive a higher pay grade of 5%, and a guarantee of health insurance coverage.' Ash, this is a great opportunity. What's the problem?"

"I have to move, that's the problem!" She looked like she was about to cry. "I can't just leave Ross and you guys!"

"Holy god. You know how heartbroken Ross would be?" Max crosses his arm.

I elbow him. "Max! You're not helping!"

"I'm just saying!"

"I don't know what to do! I really want to take the opportunity, but everything's going so well with my channel and Ross; I'm happy here, despite being underpaid for everything i do in that building."

I put my hands on her shoulders. "Ashley, relax. You have some thinking to do. Talk it over with Ross, okay?"

She sighs and nods. "Just don't tell Ross yet, okay? I wanna tell him myself."

We both nod, with her goodnight and head home.

I kinda have an explanation as to why these are getting really short.

Have you ever had that... One bad memory that sticks to you like gorilla glue and never goes away? (I know it's a bad analogy leave me alone okay?)

Well I've been... Hanging onto one for a while. One that I haven't really recovered from yet, even though it was like a couple months ago and we never really spoke of it.

I um... I never feel more like a total bitch than I do when I think about it. I try not to, but it still comes to mind sometimes.

I um... Oh gosh...

If anyone feels like chatting, just lemme know. I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight. Kinda hard to when you can't stop crying.

So... Yeah... Um... That's basically it. For now. I promise a full update will come soon. I just don't know when quiet yet.

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