Fourty-One - Globophobic

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(Y/N)'s POV

I could smell Max's morning breath on my face when he kissed my cheek.

"Max, why are you waking me up?" I ask with my face buried in his chest.

"Cause it's your birthday." He says softly.

"So?" I felt his grip tighten around me.

"So, I wanna take you to breakfast. Start the day off right."

I roll over under his arm and look at my phone. "At 7am?"

"What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing, I just don't know what breakfast place would be open at 7am on a Wednesday."

"iHop's open 24 hours a day."

"Oh yeah."

We both get up and get dressed. He was surprisingly ready before I was, and when I was trying to put my mascara on he came up behind me and put a plastic tiara in my hair.


"Is this the tiara from the office?" I ask, adjusting it so that my hair wasn't messed up under it.

"Yes." He turns me around so that I could face him after I put the cap on the mascara bottle. "You are the birthday princess today."

I felt myself flush slightly. He pecks my nose then kisses me for a full minute.

The dork has something planned. I already know it. "Wow."

"What?" He raises an eyebrow slightly.

"You're more excited for my birthday than I am."

He chuckles. "You should be excited."

"Who says I'm not?"

He smiles. "Go on, I'll be out in a sec."

I start to walk out.


When I turn to look at him, he asks, "Did you take my gum?"

I blow a bubble. "You tell me."

We both laugh, and I walk out to be greeted by Ross almost immediately.

"Happy birthday to you! You're 102! You smell like a monkey, aaaaaand you look like one too!" He pokes my stomach a few times, making me laugh and squirm away. "Happy birthday, (Y/N)." He holds his arms out for a hug.

"Thanks, Ross." I hug him and break off as Max comes walking out. "You coming with us to breakfast?"

"Yup. Just gotta get my shoes on." He runs to his room.

We all go to iHop, eat and then go to the office. The guys had completely covered my entire station in Hershey Kisses, birthday cards, a cookie pie with "To (YT/N) From all of your (F/B/N *fan base name*)s" written in icing on it, a container with a huge red velvet cupcakes in it, an unopened birthday girl ribbon, and a stack of fan letters that were tied off with (F/C) ribbon.

I recorded my video for the day, which was me opening the fan letters on my desk.

Turns out Adam had figured out a way to ask his followers on Twitter to send me a birthday card with a message in it without me knowing or hearing about it. He told them he promised that I would open them on my birthday. And I unintentionally fulfilled that promise. Go me!

Around 2:30, myself, Max, Tim, Ross and John were sitting around in our own little group on the couch, just chatting away about stuff.

That was, until Adam came in with a birthday bag and a whole thing of balloons. "Hey, (Y/N), you're dad sent this over." (*grudge* Please don't kill me (Y/N) 😩)

Max had a total meltdown right there on the spot and hid behind me on the couch.

"Max? Baby, what's wrong?" I ask.

As soon as Adam realized whatever the heck was wrong, he grabbed a pair of scissors, cut the strings of the balloons off of the bag, set the bag down and shoved them to the nearest person. "Red, take these outside and let them go."

(Here is the space for the Frozen jokes. You're welcome.)

Red nods and runs off with the balloons trailing behind.

"Hey, Max. Max," Adam says, approaching us slowly. "They're gone. They went bye-bye."

Max buries his face in my shoulder and breathes slowly. I grab his hand and squeeze it three times. "What's wrong?" I ask softly.

"He's terrified of balloons." Ross says into my ear.

"Oh," I grip his hand tighter.

(I'm dead serious. This isn't made up. He is terrified of balloons. And I'm already kicking myself for this.)

It took him twenty minutes to calm down. After that fiasco I made the mental note of making sure there are no balloons at the reception.

I didn't know he had Globophobia. Not until now.

Around 7:30 we had absolutely nothing else to do so everyone gave me my birthday presents (even though I told them not to get me anything) and I opened them in front of everyone.

We went home around 9. But Max still had a surprise lined up for me.

The dork actually made a spaghetti dinner (with Ross' help) while I was in the shower.

It tasted really good. And he got an ice cream cake with my YouTube insignia on it.

And the charm he got me couldn't have been anymore amazing.

He keeps surprising me.

I don't think I could ever top it.

We finished the day off by watching Friends and I texted Alesa for a while.

Messages between you and Alesa Dahlburg

Alesa D. - I need a response help

- ? Okay hit me

Alesa D. - My messages are in green

Alesa D. - All I'm doing is messing with her

- Send her this:

- I use it ALL THE TIME

Alesa D. - I sent it to her

- And?

Alesa D. - She said 'Hope u find ur phone soon'

- ...
- I have no comeback for that

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