Forty-Nine - The More Things Change

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So... I find out that Max has a girlfriend in reality...
Now I feel awkward about writing this thing.


Second Day with a Sick Max

"I am almost at the finish of the script for the first season." I answer Ian's question with some sincerity over the phone. "I'm still waiting for Jordan to get back to me on if he can do Karson, but other than that we should be good to go."

"Wait which Jordan are we talking about?" Ian asks.

"FearRaiser Jordan."

"Oooh. I thought you were talking about CaptainSparklez Jordan." (*fangirls a little bit*)

"No. I gave up on waiting for his email. That and when FearRaiser gave me a yes Sparklez replied to me and said he couldn't because of Mianite preparations." (I have no clue when Mianite is returning. Just roll with it.)

"Well that worked out in your favor."

I laugh slightly. "I guess it did."

The sound of coughing stopped me cold. "Hey, I gotta go. I have a sick Fiance over here. Call you when I can." I hung up before he could say anything else and ran to our bathroom.

And I find Max. Getting sick again.

I might as well sue the restaurant.

I put a hand on his shoulder, squeeze it and grab a washcloth and get it wet. Max shakes his head out and stands up slowly. I wipe his mouth and let him rinse it out as I look in and flush the toilet.

So much for dry toast. At this rate he might not be able to eat at all.

"Am I just gonna starve myself for a week?" He asks with a dry throat.

"No, I wouldn't make you do that." I walk him back to the bed and pull the blankets over him when he lays down. "There's one thing we can try."

"What's that?" Max takes a gulp out of his water bottle.

"My grandmother's chicken noodle soup. Homemade might settle your stomach." Then I realized something. "No, we can't do that."

"Why not?"

"My mom has the recipe. She got it in the damn will."

"Then ask her for it."

"She won't even speak to me, Max. She's still mad about the whole YouTube thing."

"(Y/N), she's gotta get over it eventually. And from what I've heard, she's one of those moms that hangs on even after the kid grows up."

I run a hand through my hair.

"Just try to at least."

"Alright. I'll be back in a sec. If you gotta, you know-"

"I know what to do, (Y/N)."

I sigh, kiss his cheek, grab my phone and go out onto the balcony.

And I dial the number.

And I hold my breath.




"Can I ask you a favor?"

"I asked you one and you didn't do it."

"Can you please for once in my life just hear me out? I'm not calling about... that."

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