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26 hours to the wedding

We tried to keep our giggles at a low volume as we walked through the hallway with sore feet, some of us stopping to take off our heels.

I think we all did except for Ashley. That girl can go in heels for heels. And she killed it at the karaoke competition.

We all said good night and went into our rooms. As soon as I walk in Max met me at the door, giving me a kiss.

My eyes widened when he broke off and I smile. "Someone have fun tonight?"

He nods with a smirk and I laugh. "How'd it go?"

"Good. We think Ross had a little too much to drink, but we all made it back alright." He went into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

I raised an eyebrow. "Too much? How many did he have?"

"Uh..." He spat out the toothpaste. "I think 2 Bud Light." (Ick)

"Two? I think I've seen him drink 4 and still be sober. Is he lightweight all of a sudden?"

"I dunno. He said he felt lightheaded and we all came back. He went into his room."

At that second the door that connected our room to Ashley and Ross's flung open. "Ross isn't waking up." She says.

"He's not." Max said. "He's probably fighting a hang over."

"He's not hungover. I've seen him hungover and this isn't it. He's pale and barely breathing."

I ran into the room and went over to Ross's side of the bed, putting my ear close to his nose. His face was drenched with sweat and it matted his hair against his forehead. "She's right. And he's really pale." I put two fingers on his neck. "Call 911."

Ashley nodded and ran over to her pink purse, digging frantically for her phone then putting it to her ear.

"Max, help me." I pulled the comforter back and he crawled onto the bed, already knowing what I was gonna say. He helped me roll Ross onto his back as Ashley quickly gave the woman the address and started to pack a duffel bag with some clothes.


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