Forty-Four - Invitations

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A Few Weeks Later ~Cause I said so~

"(Y/N)! 10 more came back!" Max shouts across the apartment, slamming the door shut.

I jump up from the couch, run to him, take all the invitations and run back to the couch. I pull out the invite list and open the first RSVP from one of my aunt's.

 I pull out the invite list and open the first RSVP from one of my aunt's

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"Mark three for my Aunt Miranda." I say, putting the invitation in a filing folder.

"The one on your mom's side?" He asks, scanning the clipboard with the list on it.


I open 7 more, only to find that almost all of them had a "No such address" stamp on them.

Then I opened the one from my mom.

I drop the invitation, fighting back the tears.

"(Y/N)?" Max sets down the clipboard. "(Y/N), baby, what's wrong?"

Max's POV

I walk over to her and grab her hand. A single tear rolls down her cheek as she points to the invitation on the floor.

I pick it up and look.

I pick it up and look

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Oh. My. God.

I wrap my arms around her and hold her close. She broke down in tears and buried her face in my shoulder.

That was the last straw.

"It's okay," I say softly in her ear. "It's okay."

The next time I see her mom I'm gonna give her a piece of my mind.

This bullshit is getting old.

Short AF. Why? Cause I knooooooooooooowwwwww you guys are being so patient for the next actual update, and I thank you all for that soooooo much. 😘

I also wanna share this special piece of news:


I love all of your comments and suggestions and I absolutely love interacting with you fellow Sky Army Recruits *nudge nudge wink wink* I don't know how to thank you enough...

Uh oh

My acting reflexes: And I thank you too, god, for making me so FAAAAANTASTIC!


Sorry. I'm still dealing with the acting-aftermath-reflex issue (if you can relate, please tell me I'm not alone). Cause acting is my life. Sue me. 😰

FYI I don't think I'm so fantastic that I think the spotlight should be on me at all times. Heck I wish I could stay in bed. Because my comforter cries when the alarm goes off. That and I'm really shy.


Thank you guy so much for the 10K. I look forward to updating this on it's normal schedule.


Once my emotional issues subside. -_-

You guys are awesome, you should feel awesome. 😘

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