Fifteen - Trees (December)

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When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was the alarm clock blinking 8:22 over and over again.

The power went out. Great.

I roll over and almost went into Max's chest. He was still asleep. I couldn't help but stare at his wrists. The marks had faded some, but not a lot.

I still feel really bad, since I basically the one who put them there. Ugh. If she ever gets that idea again, I'm saying no.

I gently put a hand on top of the one he had on his pillow and squeezed it.

"I said it was okay, (Y/N)." He says, making me jump a little. "Don't worry about it so much."

"I didn't know you were awake." I reply.

He opened his eyes and stares into mine. "I've been awake for about 5 minutes."


"Look, I know you feel bad about the whole thing still; it's not your fault. My mom doesn't really think about what people with think when it comes to holiday pictures. That's why she's a photographer... Well, retired photographer."

He brushed some of my hair back behind my ear. "Just don't worry about it. The marks'll heal, we'll just laugh at the picture later on." (Max... Eh... Seriously?)

I couldn't help but laugh.


I just shake my head with a smile as I sit up. "Nice reference."


I grabbed my phone, went into my music list, and played a song out loud at a low volume. "Look at this photograph, every time I do it makes me laugh." Then I stop it.

He just smacks his forehead. "I wasn't even trying to make a reference."

"Well, you did." I stretch and flop back. "I don't want to get up."

"Then don't."

"No, I have to go in today. I've gotta help Jess with a Minecraft Machinima for MyStreet." I rub my eye.

"Ah." He got up and put his gold bar T-shirt on. "Ross and I start Redstoner 2 today."

"Oh, god, you're still doing that series?" I raise an eyebrow. "Even after the backlash you guys got from parents?"

He just shrugs. "The majority of viewers wanted it to continue. We can't control who watches it. It's up to the parents to monitor what their kids watch." He pulls up the comforter and sits down on the edge of the bed. "That and we need more new content."

"Why don't you two do the Butt Knights idea?"

"Planned that for next week." He kisses my forehead and walks into the bathroom. "That and we have to pick up some stuff during our lunch break today."

"Like what?"

"Uh... We need to pick up the tree Ross ordered, some duct tape rolls - big ones - and I'm running out of hair gel."

"What do we need duct tape for?"

"It's mine, Red and John's turn to do the duct tape challenge."

"What? No."

"Yeah." He leans against the doorway with a comb in his hand. "Is there something wrong with that?"

"Max, you know I'm not comfortable with that kind of stuff." I say, making my side of the bed. "That's why I haven't done it. I had to do a whole vlog about it when the fans started to spam my Twitter page about it."

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