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So apparently FantasiesAreMyLife decided to tag me for this.

Alright then.

10 facts about me coming at you:

1. I'm in an Advanced Wind Ensemble Band (Percussion for life yo *Jk I wanna play French Horn*)

2. I'm allergic to perfumes and cologne

3. I'm Lazy Town Trash and I can't stop Won't stop *back flips out of the room, failing at landing miserably every time but who the fuck cares?*

4. The only sport I apparently can't fail at at this point is badminton

5. I'm a Lucio Main and I can't stop Won't stop BREAK IT DOWN (What am I doing with my life?)

6. I honestly think that Donald Trump is an OK guy as long as he doesn't try to get us killed

7. I still buy stuffed animals and toys and I can barely get rid of them (My Furby however was gone in a heartbeat after playing Tattletale)

8. I can do the Juju On Dat Beat dance (KMN)

9. I joined Wattpad in May 2013

10. You will barely ever see me ship. The MithRoss tidbits that I threw in this FanFic were pieces of pure luck. I can't ship worth a crap.

I'm not gonna tag anyone so if you want to do this go ahead and say I tagged you.

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