Another Note Concerning Jin (READ BEFORE STARTING)

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Okay, for those of you not caught up with the SkyMedia drama and whatnot about Jin, here's the short version (mostly because I wanna get back to watching LazyTown):

Jin had been in contact with an underaged girl over Skype, and he had been encouraging her to "groom" herself on camera to him and could be heard suggesting ways for her to do groom herself in the vaginal area.

This is labeled as child pornography, and since Jin was asking and encouraging her to do it, he is labeled as a pedophile.

I want new readers to understand this: This Fanfic is based off of the timeline of real events, including the Office Antics skits and games. And Jin getting arrested in the Detroit Airport when on his way to meet with this girl.

Please keep personal comments about Jin to yourself. People have different opinions about him; Please respect that.

So please don't say anything that may ruin others enjoyment of this story.

Comment I understand so that I know you've read this

So please enjoy this!

★Highest Ranking: 212★

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