Twenty-Two and a Half (22½)

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Everything around me was dark. I could hardly see in front of me.

There was no one around.

I saw something flash out of the corner of my eye, and then heard a light ping.

There was a gold necklace with a Z pendant.

Max's necklace.

I bend down and examine it. There was blood splattered all over the pendant, and the chain's clasp was broken.

"Max?" I call out. "Baby?"

Something turned on behind me. I looked.

There was a man laying his side with his back towards me under a really bright light.

From what I could tell, he had light skin, and ginger-colored... Hair...

Oh my god.

"Max!" I ran to him and turned him over on his side.

I was horrified.

There were two large cuts on the right side of his face that went from his eyebrow to half way down his cheek. It looked like an animal had made it.

I put my ear to his nose. He was still breathing. Thank God.

"Max," I say softly, shaking his limp body. "Baby, wake up."

I didn't get a response. Tears start to sting my eyes.

"Baby, come on. You gotta wake up."

Nothing. I knew my face was stained.

"Max, please. You're scaring me."

I take his right hand and rest my cheek along the left side of his face; I just cried.


I had no idea where we were, how we got here or who brought us here. All I know is that my worst nightmare could be a reality right now.


My eyes shot open to meet Max's, which were way beyond the normal amount of worry.

He didn't have a single mark on him.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He asks, resting a hand on my arm. "You were calling out."

I lost it. I wrapped my arms around him and cried.


"Please don't leave me." I mutter. "Please."

He held me in a tight grip after a few seconds.

"I don't wanna loose you." I gasp for air, only to let it back out.

Fucking nose is stuffed.

"It's okay," he says softly. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here with you."

We sat there for at least a good half hour. I had soaked his right sleeve in tears, but he didn't seem to care.

I slowly started to dose off.


I never heard what he said.


Max's POV

I don't think she heard me, because just as I started my sentence, (Y/N)'s grip loosened, and her breathing slowed.

I carefully lay her back down on the pillow and pull the blankets over her.

I toss Ross' Attack on Titan blanket next to the door so I'd remember to give it to him in the morning.

Wait. What time is it?



My phone vibrates.

Adam - Hey. Alesa figured out the time for the Christmas party. She'd rather do it over here instead of at the office if thats okay

Seriously Adam? You were planning a Christmas party at 5:45 in the morning?

- That's fine. Whatre you two doing up now?

Adam - Mason got hungry. I fed him. Alesa couldn't fall asleep so she started planning.

- Oh

Adam - What are YOU doing up now?

- (Y/N) had a nightmare. Kept calling out.

Adam - She okay?

- She's fine now. I woke her up and then she fell back asleep.

Adam - As long as she's fine, I'm fine.

- Yeah

Nick -

- I swear to god I'm gonna hit you

Nick - 😂



Lol I got an app that bypasses the website blocks my school has. SO HERE I AM! XD

That and my mom doesn't know I've been bringing in my personal this week. 😶 Yeah...


This Cherry Blossom tho 👉theoriginalmonkey👈💙

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