Nineteen -

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Chapter 18 is still under completion. My tablet might slow down cause if I go over 1,500 words the load time on the draft takes FOR-EVAH. So... Yeah... I'll let you guys know when it's finished, but in the meantime...

RECAP: You really want it to snow even though the weather man says it won't until at least a few days before Christmas.

Adam's POV

"Pleeeeease, Adam?" (Y/N) begs again. "It'll only take a half hour."

"No, (Y/N). I already told you, I wanna wait to meet your parents in person."

'"But I have to call my mom now and tell her we bought the tickets."

"Then call her. Don't Skype her."

She stood up straight when her phone when off.

"Hey, Mom." She says when she answers.

"(Y/N) (*Your Middle Name*), we need to talk. Now." Her mom's voice was really loud and annoyed

I give her a confused look. She drags me into her office, closes the door, and gave me a quiet signal before putting on speaker. "What's up?"

"So, I was over at Gail's house yesterday, and her nephew was over."

"Well, that's cool." She raised an eyebrow.

"He was watching that YouTube crap on his iPad. Guess who he was watching."

I saw her swallow hard. "Uh... I dunno... SkyDoesMinecraft?"

"No, and, funny thing, it was you."

I saw tears swell up in her eyes. "Really? That's, uh... That's pretty cool."

"What I wanna know is why my child has over 900,000 subscribers on a YouTube channel and has the channel as a job instead of being an EMT like originally planned."

"I, uh..."

She didn't even get the chance to answer. "What have I told you since middle school? Nothing good comes from this social media shit. I know now that my mistake was letting you watch those bad influences you call 'friends.'"

"It wasn't a bad influence, Mom." (Y/N) chokes. I grab her hand and squeeze it three times.

"I want you to delete the channel right this instant with me on the line."

Her eyes flashed. "What? No! Are you crazy?!"

"You better delete it now."

"No, Mom. Deleting my channel is like quiting my job. No way."

"Either that channel goes away, or I don't want to see you this Christmas." The line cut out.

"Oh, my god..." I mumble.

She broke down in tears and buried her face in her arms. I took her hand again and walked her out of the office.

Ross' POV

The script Max gave me was actually really long. But this is the one where things get really demented.

Hope Shelby won't be mad at me after her episode.

I look up to see (Y/N) in tears in front of her office door with Adam holding her hand.

I drop the papers and run up to her. "(Y/N), what's wrong?" I put a hand on her arm.

Winter Wonderland (Mithzan X Reader) [COMPLETE] (Watty's 2017)Where stories live. Discover now