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"Nooo not again Y/N" Luke protested trying to snap the movie disk out of your hand. "Luke you promised me that it was my time to choose the movie for tonight!" You fought back. "Yes but every time you get to choose it's always the same movie we watch." He said taking a bite of his pizza. "But I love this film!" you said walking over to the DVD player, popping the movie disk in. "Fine but don't mind me if I fall asleep like I've done the last 3 times we've watched it." He responds lifting his arm up for you to join him on the couch. "Just admit it you enjoy watching Chick Flicks with me." You said looking up at him from your position on his chest. "I think I enjoy this more." he said and without warning spread his pizza all over your face. "LUCAS ROBERT HEMMINGS!" You yelled at him, but before you could react he stood up, and started to run into the kitchen. Sighing lightly you started to run after him getting your revenge by using some whipped cream and his cute little penguin.

Calum: "I'M HOME" you yelled loudly enough so Calum could hear. After not getting a respond you walked around the house trying to find him. "Where the hell is he?" you thought to yourself but your thoughts were interrupted by a noise of humming coming from your room. "This can't be good." you said to yourself preparing what to see when you opened the door. Opening the door slightly you saw Calum standing in front of your mirror with a powder brush and a bottle of your foundation. It took a couple of seconds for him to notice you in the reflection of the mirror. He turned around with wide eyes looking at you trying to say something but no words came out. "Sooo ehm how was work?" Calum asked trying to change the subject. "Why in the world are you using my make up?" You asked with a slight amusement in your voice. "I ehm- I just needed- I've got the most massive pimple ever Y/N you need to cover it for me I can't go to an interview like this!" He pleaded. "Fine but next time inform me please, can't have you wandering around my room!" "Yeah I understand.. Wait do you hide something in here?" He asked curiously. "Noo" you pulled on the word starting to cover his not so invisible pimple.

"This cannot be happening." He whispered to himself. But yes it did. You just beat Michael in a video game. "Lighting up Mikey it's not like I murdered someone." You told him while he just stared at you, with mouth wide open in amazement. "Shut your mouth sweety unless you want to catch some flies?" You commented cheekily. After zoning out Michael came back to reality and exclaimed "You are good at video games." but it came out more like a question. "Yeah is there something wrong with that?" you asked with a raised eyebrow. "But you're a girl?!" he questioned. "Uhm yeah but just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I'm bad at boy things. Remember that time I won our wrestling fight? I'm just very boyish." You answered. After taking in the words it was Michaels turn to raise an eyebrow. "You did not win that fight and you know that! He said. "Are you so sure you asked, but before he could agree you attacked him on the couch now wrestling around on the small among of space.

Tossing the T-shirts in different categories Ashton quite hummed to the music you were listening to in your washing room. "Is this mine or yours?" Ashton asked refereeing to a sea blue Ramones t-shirt. Looking up from the big pile of socks you were working at, you stirred at it for a moment before answering. "Try to look at the size." Looking at the little mark on the shirt he scoffed before throwing it over to your pile of clean clothes. "I can definitely not work it out in a Y/T/S size I need a XS." Laughing slightly you started to throw some socks at him. "Are you calling me fat?" You asked with a fake hurt expression. "Maybe" He teased, letting you throw some more socks at him. "Why the hell do you have so many socks?" You asked. "I may or may not have been stealing some from Calum while being on tour." He answered. "Maybe you should return them back." "Naah I like see you working hard on folding them." He said with a wink before you threw one that hit him right in the face.

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