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- Callie's P.O.V -

"Angel stop calling me." I mumble into the phone. "It's not Angel, it's Cameron." Cameron's voice comes through the phone. "Call me when I wanna wake up. I probs sound like poop." I moan squeezing my eyes closed.

"Your voice is cute. But okay. Goodnight beautiful." He says. "Night Cameron." I laugh ending the call and falling back asleep.


"You don't look sick honey," My mom says as I groan in pain. "Mom! It feels like cramps in my right side." I whine putting pressure on my side.

"Do you wanna go to the hospital?" She asks. "I hate hospitals." I moan. "Come on, let's go." She says wrapping an arm around my shoulders before leading me to her car.

My step dad follows us out with my phone and my favorite blanket in his hands. "It'll be okay honey," He reassures me.


"Your appendix ruptured. We have to do surgery by tomorrow." The doctor informs us. "No, no, no, no, no." I repeat over again as the Morphine they put in my iv starts to wear off.

"I'm afraid that's the only option." He says sadly. I feel the tears seep from my eyes and rolling down my cheeks as I lay in a feudal position.

"Alright. Are you guys keeping her?" My step dad asks. "Yeah, we're going to admit her. Than tomorrow first thing she'll be going into surgery." He says.

My parents nod and the room falls silent as the doctor leaves. "Hand me my phone please." I say. My mom nods handing me the white iPhone 5s.

I dial Angel's number, he answers after the second ring. "Yo' it's like five in the morning." He moans.

"I know, I'm sorry," I say into the phone with a shaky voice. The pain started to come back, it hurt. A small whine escaping my lips. "What's going on are you okay?" He asks hurriedly.

"No," I moan in pain. "Mom tell the nurse to do something. It hurts." I cry. "Nurse? What the hell are you at the hospital?" He asks loudly as I kept moaning in pain.

"Yeah," I say as the nurse appears. "We're gonna get you a room on floor two then we'll give you some pain medicine." She informs me moving the bed. "Okay," I crook out.

I've never been in so much pain. "Do I need to come home?" Angel asks. "What's going on?" I hear someone mumble in the background.

"I, Mom does Angel need to come home?" I ask as the tears keep falling. "That's up to you, do you want to see him before surgery tomorrow?" She asks.

"SURGERY?! GIVE ME SOME DAMN ANSWERS RIGHT NOW! WHAT IS GOING ON?! WHY ARE YOU IN THE HOSPITAL?!" Angel yells through the phone. I had too pull my phone away from my ear as he yelled.

"Angel calm down." I say sighing. "Imma Facetime you." I say before hanging up. I press Facetime and he answers before it could even ring a full time.

"Oh my god. Your crying. You never cry." Is the first thing Angel says. "Do you want me to sit you're bed up?" The nurse asks as we roll into a bedless hospital room. I nod numbly. She sits the bed up so I'm sitting up and rushes out to get the pain medicine, I'm hoping.

"Is that your sister?" Someone asks walking up behind Angel. I see Nash' face pop up, I hide my face under my blanket and moan. "Yeah. Cal. Please tell me wants going on?" Angel asks sounding as if he's going to cry. The nurse comes back into the room and puts the medicine in the tube leading into my arm and it immediately starts working.

"I woke up at four this morning. I had an excruciating pain in my right side by my hip. So mom brought me to the hospital." I explain showing mom and dad who were slowly falling asleep in the uncomfortable hospital chairs. I don't blame them, I'm tired too. "Well they took cat scans and x rays. My appendix ruptured." I say sighing as the pain fades away once again and my body becomes numb too everything.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now