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× Callie's P.O.V ×

My phone would not stop going off, and it was barely seven in the morning.

I groan rolling on my right side grabbing my phone and disconnecting it from the charger and answering it. "Hello?" I ask tiredly into the phone.

"Callie," Cameron breaths. I grin just hearing his lovely morning voice. "Cam," I counter sitting up and putting my feet over the edge of the bed. Onto my white carpet.

"You up?" He asks, I can hear him shuffling indicating that he was walking. "You woke me up, so yes." I laugh walking towards my bathroom stretching in the process.

"Sorry babe." He laughs. My stomach fluttering at the simple word, babe. "Its fine. I'm glad you did. I would have never been up in time to go." I say looking at myself in the mirror.

"Well then I'm glad I did to. What are you gonna wear?" He asks curiously. "Just some Adidas sweats and a white tank top. Then of course my Cameron Dallas sweater." I smirk as I look at the sweater hanging up on the hook on the door.

"Well I'll match with you," He laughs. I grin. "Okay. When are you coming over?" I ask seeing how much time I had. "I'm on my way now. So I'll be there in like twenty." He says.

"Alright. Well, today should be fun." I laugh running a hand thru my curly mop of hair. "Yes. Very much so. By the way, Happy Valentines Day Babyyy." He coo's.

I totally forgot it was already Valentines day. "Happy Valentines day my love." I grin. "We'll have to celebrate when we get to San Fran." He counters.

"Yeah since all your gifts are in my suitcase ready to go." I laugh pulling my shorts off and slipping on my Adidas sweats. "Yeah same for you." He laughs.

"Well I'll see you when you get here. I have to get dressed." I say grabbing a white tank top out of my dresser. "Alright. I'll see you then." He says before we end the call.

I immediately get dressed and start straightening my hair as fast as I could. He would be here at like Seven Forty. It was seven when he called and its seven twenty now.

I had till eight to get my hair done. I finished it quickly though because I had a professional straightener my cousin got me at a professional shop were you had to have a license to even go in.

It was over a hundred dollars so, it works really really amazing. I apply some eyeliner and mascara before pulling on my hipster glasses.

I needed to wear these. But I use my contacts. So. I grab my sweater and pull it on grabbing my white converse and pulling those onto my feet after putting on my baby blue ankle socks.

I grab my phone charger putting it into my carry on bag and pulling my gray neff beanie on. Before taking my stuff downstairs. Grabbing my plane ticket off the counter.

"Leaving?" Matt asks entering the kitchen. I nod as I grab a water out of the fridge. "I'll see you on the flight then." He laughs hugging me. I nod and kiss his cheek as Cameron walks in from the garage with Angel.

"Hey," He grins hugging me. Lifting me up a bit. "Hey," I reply hugging him back equally as tight.

"Well we should probably get going," Angel says to Matt. Matt nodding patting my back laughing before walking out with Angel.

"Ready?" Cam asks me. I nod as he helps me with my bags and stuff. Loading it into the backseat of his car. "San Fran ain't ready for us." He smirks as we get into the car.

"Nooooooo! She wasn't ready!" I laugh mimicking Kevin Heart. He's hilarious. "Your funny." Cameron laughs placing his hand on my thigh as we drive towards LAX.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now