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"Amy!" I sequel as I see her walk through the garage door of my house.

"Hey girl hey," She says as we pull each other into a hug. "How are things? Its been forever." I say.

I pull away from her and take a seat at the island. She sits down next to me and smiles.

"Good, Sam and I didn't work out." She informs me and I stare at her. "How come?" I ask running a hand through my hair.

"He and I just weren't feeling it, plus he really likes this girl named Kristina. But we are still really good friends." She smiles. "How are things with Cameron?" She asks me.

I look away from her not really knowing the answer. "We're, friends." I say tapping my fingers on the island marble counter top.

"Friends? I thought you guys were together?" She gasps and I take a deep breath.

"Things just weren't," I pause trying to find the right word to say. "Working." I say as my phone vibrates on the counter. My hand instantly grabbing it.

"What happened? You guys were literally just so in love.." She says and I slowly nod my head.

"I love him, so much Amy. I just... I don't know. He's just confusing and plus he cheated. Actually had sex with another girl and shit so I just I don't know. I can't be with him. Even though I'd do anything just to kiss him one more time. Its been a struggle to be around him and not just kiss him and be lovey dovey with him. It hurts too, but I can't just keep getting hurt and running back." I pause.

"Friends will either make things better or will just prove that we aren't meant for each other. I just, I don't think I could take watching him love anybody else." I finish and breath heavily.

"Well, cheating isn't a mistake its a choice," She says pausing for a few seconds. "No matter what he'll always be your Cameron. I promise you that. You guys love each other so much that no matter what happens you'll still love each other. When you love someone so much nothing can come in between you and that person." She says and I slowly close my eyes.

"I know, I just don't want to loose him like that. I don't want him to love anybody else. Selfish I know, but I just... I can't explain it." I say as my phone vibrates again in my hands.

Repeatedly. I finally look at my phone and see Cameron is calling me. "Hold on," I say to Amy as I answer the phone.

"Hey," I say running my hand through my hair. "Hey," He replies casually. But I could tell he was nervous.

"What's up?" I ask looking over towards the garage door as Angel walked in. "I'm so freaked out right now," He breaths and I sigh.

"Why?" I ask as I hear Nash say something in the back ground that I couldn't understand. "A girl had a seizure at the meet and greet and like, it just kind of freaked me out inside but I helped her and held her hand the whole time until the paramedics came," He tells me and I couldn't help but smile.

"Well is she okay?" I ask. "Yeah, I hope so. Her parents have my number so they'll let me know." He says and I nod my head slowly. "Good, I'm proud of you for not freaking out." I laugh.

"You sound like my mom," He comments and I roll my eyes. "Stop rolling your eyes." He says and I groan.

"How'd you know I was?" I ask looking over at Amy. "I know you that well." He tells me and I smile.

"Well, that's creepy. But aye, I gotta go. Amy is here." I tell him as Angel pulls himself onto the island talking to Amy.

"Alright, love you," He says and I sigh closing my eyes. "Bye Cameron." I say before hanging up.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now