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March 17, 2014

"Cameron, go away." I groan pushing him away from my face. Pulling the blankets up over my head.

Only to have them ripped off of me completely. "Come on! Lets do something," He says grabbing my cafes and pulling me off of the bed.

"No, I'm tired." I whine grabbing his hand off of my cafe and pulling him down with me onto the floor.

"Damn, you're a lot stronger than I thought." He laughs wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him.

I sigh and close my eyes. "Yeah, I know. Now be quiet and let me sleep." I mumble putting my head onto his chest and drapping my arm over his stomach.

"Come on, I bought you donuts and coffee, we have to go and do something now." He says standing up before picking me up.

"Cameron, I'm tired. I had a long night." I sigh closing my eyes once again. "So did I." He retorts.

"I give up," I frown as he sets me down in a chair at the island before setting a mocha cookie crumble frap. in front of me with a crispy cream glazed donut.

"You know me so well." I grin as he sits next to me, sliding my phone over to me as he takes a sip of his drink.

He nods, "I know." He smiles leaning over and kissing me, softly.

I pull away though, smiling. "You've been avoiding my touch, why?" He frowns and I sigh.

"It's complicated, really." I murmur, looking away from him and down at my phone. "I'm confused," I say and I hear him sigh.

"Confused about what?" He questions. I slowly stand up and move to the other side of the island, by the stove.

"Cameron, I don't know if I love you anymore or not. With all of this fighting, restraining from each other and what not... I just I don't know if I still do." As the words leave my mouth, his expression drops and his eyes flash hurt before he goes emotionless.

"It's not your fault Cameron, it really isn't. It's mine." I explain as Angel walks into the kitchen from the garage.

He looks back and forth between us and sighs. "I'm not getting into this," He pauses putting his hands on the edge of the counter and leaning on them.

"But, you both just need to move on or make up. This constant fighting isn't healthy for either of you and both of you know it. Whether it's real love or not, it shouldn't be this fucked up." He explains and I sigh, looking down at the dark marble countertop.

"If you love something, let it go. If it comes back it's yours to keep. If not it was never yours to begin with."

I look up at Angel as the words leave his mouth before he leaves the kitchen, heading to his room downstairs.

"When did this all of a sudden happen?" Cameron asks, finally speaking. I slowly look up and meet his gaze.

His eyes holding so much emotion within. Pain, anger, love...

"When I woke up in the hospital. I didn't know if I still loved you and I still don't know." I say honestly.

At least he knows and I'm not pretending to be in love with him.

Honesty and trust are the two most important things in a relationship so, therefore I'm in the right.

"Damn, I should have known it was to good to be true. Just know, I still love you, Callie." He says walking towards the door to the garage.

He opens the door and looks at me.

"But don't expect me to be here waiting for you when you make up your damn mind." He says coldly before slamming the door behind him.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now