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"Oh my god! Cameron Dallas! You-" I scream but he cutts me off, by pressing his lips to mine gently.

He's in the hospital. A fucking hospital. "You scared the living shit out of me, I thought you were in worse condition." I say pushing myself away from him and staring at him.

"I literally drove to LA for, this?" I ask pointing to his stitched foot. "Yeah. I'm glad you did." He grins. I roll my eyes standing up from the hospital chair. Looking over at Nash.

"You both ruined my night." I say taking my phone out as I get a text from Matthew. "Babe-" Cameron starts but I cutt him off.

"Ugh don't babe me." I say reading the text.

- From Mattchu

Is Cam alright? I heard he split his heel open .o.

- To Mattchu

Yeah, he's fine. He called me sounding like he was dying and made me drive all the way to LA for his foot -.- The shit I do for him >>>>

"I'm going home," I sigh pushing my phone into the sweater that Cameron got me. I wear it all the time.

"No no, come back to the hotel with us... It's Thursday. Come on." Cameron whines. "Nah, I have to do stuff." I say as he grabs my wrist pulling me onto the bed next to him.

"Your staying." He smirks. I roll my eyes and sigh. "Fine." I reply staring up at the ceiling as he traces designs in my back.





"Fourteen weeks is a long time." I say to Cameron as we walk out, well me and Nash walk out Cameron crutches out.

"Yeah but it's better then fifteen." Cameron laughs. I roll my eyes walking towards my car. "Did ya'll come here in an ambulance?" I laugh as they get into my car. "Yeah..." Nash laughs.

"Yeah, ya'll crazy mofo's." I say looking at Cameron in the passenger seat. I turn on the radio and Dirty Paws by Of Monster and Men is playing.

I smile singing along to it as I drive to their hotel. I don't even see why their in a hotel. They could have stayed at Jc's.

"Matthew's texting you," Cameron comments looking at my phone that was in the dash lit up.

"What did he say?" I ask as he grabs my phone. Scanning his eyes over the message.

"He said, you will die for the ones you love." He reads. I nod. "Say, I'd die for him cause he's my bestfriend. No one else. With a winky face." I say smiling and pulling up to their hotel.

Helping Cam out of the car and into the elevator up to his room. "I didn't even bring anything to wear Cam. I really can't spend the night." I say as Nash opens the door to their room.

"Your staying." He says. "No Cam, I can't. I have school tomorrow. No." I sigh kissing his cheek. "Fine." He groans kissing my lips softly and I smile hugging Nash before walking back out to my car and driving home.





"Kevin," I laugh staring at the little maniac next to me in seventh period. He grins like an idiot and doing a face just like Carter with the lips.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now